10beasts Update NovAre you still waiting for the update?

Well, if yes then I am extremely sorry for being that much late and I know you have forgiven me already.

If somehow, you don’t know what I am talking about, you need to have a look here: Amazon Affiliate Site – $4k in 4 Months

Enough talking, let’s get straight to the point…

10Beasts Journey: Successes and Failures

Now there are few successes and few failures which I have seen with this beast and that’s exactly what I want to share with you guys!

  • Completed 10k, 20k, 30k and 40k Challenges (Looking forward at 50k)
  • Got backlink from few high authority sites including (BuzzFeed, LifeHack, Reviews.org, IdiotsGuides and few others…)
  • 945.87% Increase in Traffic
  • 726% Increase in Earnings
  • 566.16% Increase in Pageviews
  • A Successful Scholarship Campaign
  • Brands Attraction (Brands are trying to reach me in order to get their product featured on 10Beasts)
  • Failed to Hire a Team to manage this Project
  • Failed to do an Expert Roundup (Although, I have a complete plan for it but thanks to my life, that I am not in condition to spare some time for this job)
  • Only 1 new article in these 4 Months
  • No preparation for “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” at all
Alright, I hope you have a rough guess of what is actually going on with this site! So, without further ado let’s talk it in detail.

What actually is 10Beasts? and How I started it?

10Beasts is a “Top 10 Products” based site, which I started back in April 2016.

It is my most successful Amazon Affiliate site ever and generated it’s first 4-figure income in July 2016 (Literally within 4 months).

I write mostly about Technology, Gadgets and Outdoor products there and that’s because I am passionate about it.

So, the actual question here is: “How I started 10Beasts?”…

Well, let me share a dark secret with you guys today.

I was suspended from the university back in November 2015… (It’s been a year now)

I was a good student and my CGPA was 3.2 which isn’t that bad at all, right? But I was suspended because of a fight issue… Since it was a Military Owned Univesity, so, they take such actions very seriously.

When I got suspended, my monthly earnings were $1.5k and I knew pretty much about how things work.

The only thing for not taking action was the “Lack of Time”, and I had plenty of it after that. (Thanks to everyone who contributed in my suspension)

November and December of 2015 were the worst days of my life, I had nothing to do except listening to my parents…

In January 2016, I had a chance to visit Kashmir, Pakistan, and that was the moment I realized that it is time for a new beginning. I knew a lot of things and I am not taking any action… Time to Rock!

Got Back home… Re-read few articles and Case studies on Backlinko. Pre-planned everything.

Hired an Article Writer and told him everything, what I want in my articles.

Chosen the Theme, Domain/Brand name and mapped the Site Structure.

And Bingo, Posted the first article on 4th of April.

All of this pre-planning and preparation took me about 2 months.

So, that was all about 10Beasts and How I started it.

If you want to learn more about it, please read this first update of this case study.

Case Study Update 2: August – November

The fun part is just going to be started.

August Statistics

I received about 48,447 visitors in August which is about 264.23% more than what I got in July.

I did nothing at all to increase the traffic, the site was doing all on the autopilot.

August Traffic Results

As the traffic increases, so do the earnings.

I made about $12,279 in August completing $10k challenge in 5 Months :)

To be honest, I was just as amazed as you.

August Earnings

Just to let you guys know, I lost few earnings because of using Genius Links service.

I found them redirecting my affiliate links to their “Amazon Tracking Code”, which was later claimed as a bug in their algorithm.

I stopped using their services and also recommend you guys to not to use them.

GeniusLinks Update: (Jesse from GeniusLinks reached out to me via Email and Apologized for the bugs in their Algorithm)

Jesse mentioned in the email:

My apologies for not reaching out earlier (I have no idea how I missed this). If you don’t mind I wanted to throw out a few things for you and your readers.

Most importantly I want to address your comment about lost earnings due to our service. That really sucks and my most sincere apologies! This is certainly not our intention and something we take very seriously. Our whole goal is to help our clients make MORE money.

As hard as we try, we do unfortunately introduce bugs from time to time (as you likely saw from my note to Tung Tran on cloudliving.com) and those have an adverse affect on our clients. Specifically, it looks like the “Return to Original” bug impacted you while using our service (bug summary: when a click came from a country where our client did not have affiliate tracking info provided, and we couldn’t find the matching product in that country, we then redirected the link to the original destination but used our affiliate tracking information instead of the client’s).

From what we can find, it appears that you had 88 clicks between Sept. 1st and the 9th (when the bug was caught and resolved) that were impacted by this bug.

Again, my sincere apologies about this. I know it’s not the number of clicks but the loss of trust that is more costly than what those clicks could have earned for you. Please let me know how we might work to regain your trust.

In the end, our service may not be a perfect fit for everyone. For those looking to an alternative to Genius Link you might find a good list here: Intelligent Link Landscape

Finally, as with any plugin/service/etc. I strongly encourage everyone to test their set up. And if something looks weird to reach out! It would have been great to work through this issue as soon as you saw it so that you could be including screenshots of your international Amazon Associates dashboards for the last few months and have even bigger numbers.

Now let’s have a look at September.

September Statistics

September was another Awesome month for the 10Beasts.

Traffic increased to 63,369 which is about 31.35% more as compared to august.

I know that is not an amazing increase, but I was doing nothing at all… Was busy with other Projects.

The site is growing completely on the Autopilot.

September Traffic Stats

In September, 10beasts generated about $16,077 in total.

Which is about 30.93% more than the previous month.

September Earnings

I am not using Amazon CPM Ads on any other niche site.

So, that’s all coming from the 10b.

October Statistics

I saw a massive increase in traffic in October.

About 90,547 visitors, which is about 42.88% more as compared to Sept.

October Traffic Stats

I also started the guest posting in October and got links from few DA 50+ sites including (Reviews.org and IdiotsGuides)

Before continuing the statistics, I want to tell you guys something.

In October, the brands started to reach me out.

They send me their products to review and of course they integrated affiliate programs on their websites upon my request because they aren’t selling their products on Amazon.

Few of them are LixPen and 3dSimo.

So, I started to generate money from LixPen in October and from 3d Simo in November.

Earned about $21,331 from Amazon.

So, 10beasts completed the 20k challenge in October at the age of 7 months.

October Earnings

Other than that, I made about $913.98 from the LixPen in October.

LixPen Earnings October

The total Earnings were $22,245.38 :)

November Statistics

Here comes the November.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, November and December are the most productive months.

And So, for me!

Got about 139,111 unique hits in November, which is pretty amazing.

About 53.63% more as compared to the October.

November Traffic Stats

Well in the earnings I made about $35,631 from Amazon and $3520.58 from LixPen.

November Earnings

Those 2 bumps in the graph at 25 Nov and 28 Nov are actually Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Other than that, I was also partnered with 3DSimo in November and earned about $1500 from their affiliate system.

Well, their affiliate panel is very complex, and there is no option to filter the earnings/commissions from a selected Date-Range.

So, it’s a rough guess.

In total, I earned about $40,653.10 in November.

Also, in November the earnings from “Electric Shaver” article were going to someone’s account.

It was a part of a deal and that’s my 3rd best article.

2nd best Article

So, that’s another reason for which I couldn’t hit the 50k in November…

Although I believe I will complete 50k this December.

So, that was all about traffic and earnings.

Future Plans for the 10Beasts

As of now, 10beasts have generated more than $100,000 in all-time income.

Which is definitely far better than my expectations.

So, I will try to create a YouTube channel for 10beasts and plan to do unboxings and review videos in the form of top 10.

That will bring authority and brands interest for sure.

Most of you believe that I have sold 10b, and there is nothing like that, even I have no plans to sell it in the near future.

So, that was all for this update.

I am short of words now.

If you have any question, just leave a comment below.

Other than that, if you really want to learn more about Affiliate Marketing, I suggest you guys to join the AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp Course by Tung Tran.


  1. Thanks for updating us about your journey. I have two questions for you.
    1. What alternative do you suggest for genius? I found one (prourls.com) but haven’t used it.
    2. You have found a good writer in your friend. As you have suggested earlier in your post to look for writers in FB groups, other than that, can you suggest any specific writer from outsourcing sites like fiverr, etc?

    1. You are welcome Rajan.
      1. I haven’t tried ProURLS yet but I think EasyAzon is a good choice.
      2. I don’t like Fiverr at all. Although, I recommend Upwork!


  2. Luqman,

    Wow, your results are amazing. Congratulations, and I see that you are focusing on very few posts, too. I look forward to your new updates, at this rate, it very likely you’ll be able to reach 50k this month.

    A quick question, how do you make that slider “quick links for 10Beastes update” on the right?

    Stay awesome,

    1. Hey Anh,
      Thanks a lot for the wishes :)

      I have made it using 3 plugins.
      1. Q2W3 Sticky Widget
      2. Jetpack “Visibilty Module”
      3. Shortcode Ultimate

      The first plugin is of course to make that widget sticky. The 2nd one to make that widget visible on a specific post. And the last one to add those arrows and list styling.


  3. Really, appreciate your success. I want to learn about your link building process.
    1. what link building method is best effective.
    2. Do you recommend any link building service

  4. Hey Luqman,
    Huge congratalations on your success.
    I had one question regarding link building.
    Did you order web 2.0 service in the first month and created edu backlinks in the second month? Or there was another timing.

    1. Hey Kendrick,
      I started Scholarship Campaign in the first month and bought the Web 2.0 service in the 2nd month.


  5. Thanks a lot for sharing your journey with us, Luqman.
    It’s so inspiring and motivation at the same time.

    Keep up the good work.

  6. Awesome man. Great going. For your roundup, Minuca Elena is the best expert roundup specialist. She has created roundups in many niches and has an amazing network and has got John Chow, Darren Rowse from problogger, Jeff Goins, etc and is very professional.

  7. Hi Luqman,

    Nice to read your update and wish you more success.

    How are you getting guest posts on high DA sites, r u using some services? If yes, how much do they cost?

    1. Hey Buddy,
      Yeah, I am using an SEO Service.
      It cost me about $200 – $500 per link, depends on the link quality.


  8. Hi Luqman,
    super great success! ;)
    Where can your posts read about LixPen and 3dSimo?
    Who has hacked your “Electric Shaver” article? (these earnings of Nov. landed by someone..)
    Did you write the guest posts to DA50+ sites by yourself or outsourced?
    Thanks, Betty

  9. Lukman, great post – thanks. Waiting already for the next one.

    I have a QUESTION:

    Why don’t you write posts that support your top 10 post?

    You have all these different list posts, without any supporting posts. It is amazing that you rank that well for these single pages.

    Because these are really single niche pages on your site. One about routers, one about 3D pens, one about electric shavers.

    Normally Google would rank a page for a site that contains more pages about that niche / topic. Like a theme, or silo.

    What is your opinion about this?

    Thanks, Pim

    1. Hey Pim,

      1. Because I really don’t need any supportive articles for now. (I don’t follow those old/traditional SEO Tactics at all)
      Well, the support articles are actually get written to bring traffic. Because getting your Money Articles ranked in Google isn’t an easy task, that’s why people write support articles.
      I don’t follow this strategy, because ranking money article is difficult but not an impossible job, right?

      So, I simply rank my money articles.

      ******* Normally Google would rank a page for a site that contains more pages about that niche / topic. Like a theme, or silo. *******

      NO, A BIG BIG NO! I don’t agree with this statement at all.

      Google is very clever now, it changes it’s algorithm on daily basis to show the best possible results for the “searched query”.
      Now, google prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY.

      If you know how to provide quality content and explain what exactly your visitor wants from you, you can rock!
      Simple as that.
      Just provide your visitor with the ton of information including “Text, Images, Charts, Graphs and Tables”, to reduce the bounce rate and increase the “User time on page” you can get the rankings you deserve.


  10. Wow, I learned many new thing with ur article. M still earning with AdSense but never try affiliate marketing, after ur success story I will definitely do so.

  11. This is just INSANE!! $100,000 in less than a year, makes me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.

    This is a huge inspiration. I’m totally pumped up right now!!!!

  12. Hi Luqman,
    This is Joseph, a freelancer out of Kenya. I am aspiring to start my first niche site this December. I am, however, a complete novice on creating such sites. Kindly direct me to a website where I can start learning.

  13. Wow…. you are rocking buddy. Thanks for sharing your insights.
    It really inspired me to start an Amazon niche site. I am also looking for a team to build a niche site. Right now, busy in some projects.
    By the way, best wishes. :)

  14. Congratulation for your Success . Your story has really inspired me a Lot . From a student to a successful marketer . I am also a student , I am also interested to be a successful marketer . But the problem is I don’t know anything about the steps to learn and set a successful website from where I can earn . Can you help me out or suggest me something to work on .
    Thanks for your inspirational story .

    1. Hey Buddy,
      Thanks a lot for your comment and wished.

      Don’t worry, everyone started it just like you. Of course, you have to learn a lot and I suggest you start from Backlinko.com, you will find a ton of information from there.
      Other than that, just don’t rely on me or any other specialist out there.. Trust me, ain’t no one have that much time to help out everyone… You must know how to google your problems and find out the solutions. The only one person who can help you out is “YOU”.
      Trust me, I was there long before.

      I wish you best of luck.

  15. How do you get paid from Amazon?
    Via Bank Direct Deposit or a Check sent to your Local bank from Pakistan ? or Do you have an EU/UK Bank ?

  16. Hey Luqman,

    It’s rally nice and inspiring to see a young marketer growing with a great pace. There is a query for you.

    May I know which plugin you are using for individual post traffic analytic as I see above in case of “Electric Shaver”.

    I would like to see you with 50k Achieved post soon!! God Bless you.


  17. Crazy achievement with an 8 month old site!

    How many articles do you have posted? And were they all outsourced?

    Also what do you used to make your comparison charts and product reviews pro & cons?

    This post has open my eyes on the potential of an Amazon income!

    Thanks & congrats again Luqman!

    1. Hey buddy,
      I have posted 9 articles so far, and yes most of them are outsourced.
      For the comparison chart, I am using “TablePress” plugin and for the Pros/Cons, “Shortcode Ulitmate”.


  18. Hi, Luqman Khan, I am really impressed by your success story. A Little bit I want to know about your guest post tactics so that I can learn something from you. Would you please share with me some of your guest post links. Your can send it to me in my mail or on my Facebook.

  19. Bravo Luqman,
    This is really mouth watering income. The rate at which your site is growing is quite alarming man.

    Wishing you more explosive growth buddy.

    However, I’ll love to know:

    1. Are you using Thrive Content Builder to create your articles on the niche site? If yes, how are you using it with EasyAzon?

    2. How long did it take before you started building links for the site?

    3. Are you doing any social media marketing? If yes, what platforms are you utilizing?

    4. The Amazon products you’re promoting, what criteria are you usually looking at?

    Thanks and Good luck Luqman.

    1. Hey Theodore,
      Thanks a lot for the best wishes :)

      1. Nop, I’m not using thrive content builder at all. Also, I have never used EasyAzon.
      2. I started link building in the very first month.
      3. I did it in the beginning, not anymore.
      4. I mostly go for Computer/Tech related products. I choose the products based on their number of sales, rating, popularity and price.


  20. Hey Luqman Congrats. That’s really amazing.

    My question is how did you got those powerful backlinks from sites like buzzfeed, lifehack, reviews.org?

    Kind Regards,

    1. Hey Tomaz,

      A natural backlink on reviews.org and guest posting on the other sites (Buzzfeed, LifeHack etc..)


  21. Hi Luqman,
    Congratulations on such great progress! You are really an inspiration to many young people.
    Have been studying the amazon affiliate sites for a while now and think am ready to start out. But am stuck with three things:

    1. What do you consider when selecting a writer who writes awesome reviews in Upwork and whats your budget for that?
    2. Does the writer use the amazon products reviews to come up with the data for the article?
    3. How do you rank your products in the reviews. Based on highest ratings in amazon or otherwise?

    By the way I read through most of your comment responses especially on plugins to use. They were very educative. Thank you.

    1. 1. I usually demand the past work and see the introduction of the article. If the introductions are great, I hire them. Budget is about $30/1k words.
      2. Nope, I ask him to research from my competitors (PCMag, Cnet, and Others).
      3. I get the idea from amazon of course but I do have a look at my competitors ranking as well.


  22. I’ve been waiting on this post since reading your past two posts months ago. ( I kept checking back every couple of weeks until I finally saw this!)

    Congrats for such amazing results in such a short time. I took a few tips from your previous posts and I’ve been seeing some great success with some of my brand new affiliate sites.

    I’ve had a lot of successful mini-niche sites but my new sites are growing quicker than I’ve ever seen and you are to thank for a part of that.

    I wish you continued success.

    1. Thanks a lot Davain and I am really glad that you took an action.
      I wish you best of luck for the future sites.


  23. Hi Luqman,

    Congratulations on your success.

    I hope to accomplish as much as you one day.

    Could you answer a quick question for an aspiring newbie?

    – Do you buy 2.0 link package for each individual article?

    – Did you buy any 2.0 link packages for your homepage?

    – What is your anchor text ratios looking like?

    Thank you!

    1. Hey John,

      1. Nop, I bought that package only for a single article.
      2. Nope, not at all.
      3. Well I prefer:
      50% Brand and domain name as anchor texts (10Beasts) or (10beasts.com)
      20% Targeted Keywords – (Best XXX)
      10% Post Title – Links on the exact post title
      15% Author Name
      5% Generic


  24. Hi Luqman, Thanks for your great tips! I have some questions,
    1. You upload product images to your site, is it right for Amazon’s rule?
    2. Do you use web 2.0 for all your posts?
    3. Buzzfeed & Lifehack don’t accept commercial links, how can you add your link?

    Thank you!

    1. 1. Well, I am still not sure either its okay or not. But I have contacted amazon support and ask them to review my site and let me know if there is anything wrong and required to be fixed and he approved everything.
      2. Nop. only for a single post.
      3. They do, you just need to learn the art of guest posting.


  25. Thanks for headsup for Genius Link , I was planning to use it but now I am thinking again on my decision .

    Luqman I would love this more if you have shared some backlinks strategy . Please throw some light on kickass backlinks strategy :)

    Thanks Bro

  26. Congratulations on your progress so far. Am learning a lot from you. Two quick questions I would love to ask

    1. how do you highlight the text in different background colours?Fo instance at the end of the article where you mentioned the AMZ affiliate bootcamp

    2. What plug in do you use to create the pros and cons section?

    If you could answer this I would be highly indebted to you.

    Thanks and keep up the great work

  27. Yes Luqman, you said that correct, “Think Big, Archive Big
    Believe in yourself, and things will get easy for you.” Sometimes it takes times, but it will happen for sure.

  28. Hi Luqman,

    Congrats on your success! I have some questions:

    1. My outreach email sometime lands on Spam folder. How do you prevent your email from landing on Spam folder? And what email service provider do you use?

    2. Do you use generic email (for eg: luqman@hotmail.com) from free email service provider or do you use something like luqman@10beasts.com to outreach EDU sites?


    1. Hi John,

      1. Your SMTP might be blacklisted. Use Zohomail or GSuite.
      2. I use branded email.. (luqman@domain.com)


      1. Hey Luqman , I started a scholarship program as well, I sent over 50 mails to university but just received 5 links so far, any good advice? thanks.

          1. Please make sure you are submitting your site in the right category.
            Else they will reject your site.

            Other than that, make sure your site have original and high-quality content and look professional.

  29. Hey Luqman,

    Great work, you really inspired me ,thanks for sharing.

    Do you have any plan to review some virtual products like web hosting or vpn? I guess these 2 niche are more profitable right? especially for long term.

    And I just wonder did you use any PBN services bro :-)

      1. Thank you Luqman so much for this. I started 2-3 niche sites a couple months ago and made $10 in november and I’m at $39 so far in december so it’s not much but it’s a start! I just wanted to ask you one question:

        What do you think was the most important factor for outranking high authority sites? I noticed your articles outranked
        big sites like PCMag and CNET, etc.

        Notice your DA and PA are much lower yet you still rise above these monster sites: https://s23.postimg.org/icl5ak5wr/Screen_Shot_2016_12_28_at_3_21_42_AM.png

        What factor made this so? Was it the edu links/buzzfeed links, etc? I know onpage seo and content played an important role but I’m sure these High Quality Backlinks were a HUGE factor for your articles ranking so high so fast above these big guys.

        Looking forward to your thoughts. I strive to achieve similar results! Keep it up bro! Your story is inspiring, I too dropped out of university!

        Thanks again.

        1. Hey Matias,
          You got a good question here.

          First of all congratulations on starting your earnings. I wish you best of luck for this journey.

          Now, my site is ranking above these monsters because my “average page on time” is higher and my “bounce rate” is lower as compared to them. This is how this works.
          The offpage SEO and backlinks help your content to get on the first page of Google, but as soon as your site hits the first page, it all depends on the Onpage SEO. (this is what I found from my experience and experiments)
          PA/DA are just the myths, google really doesn’t give any value to them.
          OnPage is the real king out there.

          I got backlink from buzzfeed and other authority sites via guest posting.


          1. You’re just spamming you’re way to the top. You said in the original post you were doing things white hat….

  30. Hi Luqman,

    Its really massive success… congrats!

    I have 1 question that how you select the list of top product and how you can justify the ranking of each? like this is #1 and 2nd, and so on…

    I really appreciate if you can guide me in-depth idea for this… i will help me a lot.


    1. Hey Berry,
      My top ten list based on my Competitor’s list, product ranking on amazon, number of sales and popularity.
      I will write a detailed guide on it later.


  31. Luqman, That is just Amazing!

    Quick Question: What hosting do you use?

    Keep up the Awesome work! And i wish more success in future.



  32. Great success,

    I would like to learn how can you make quick links like when i click september statistics, i come to september statistics on same page. I couldnt find to do that.

    And my second problem i really messed up, i couldnt sort out which css codes you use for yellow and red area in your reviews.

  33. Hi Luqman,

    It’s so nice and exciting to see your success within just 8 months. Ofcourse it’s way more than many people achieve throughout their lives. Congratulations on your success.

    I have few queries and would expect an honest reply from you.
    – From scale 1- 10, how much do you think AmazonAffliliate course have helped you in your success? An honest and unbiased review is highly appreciated.
    – Don’t you think that by revealing your site to public you have make competition stronger than before as it would be open to copycats and other competitors?
    – Do you have other Amazon based sites and working on it?

    Would appreciate a great reply.

    1. Hey there,

      1. The AmazonAffiliate Course actually teaches you Niche Sites Concept and you should work on SEO to rank it. I bought that course after the success of 10beasts. So, if you ask me how much that course helped me, I would rate as “0” since I got it extremely late after successfully ranking 10beasts. Although if you ask me to rate the course honestly, I would go for 9.5/10 as it includes all of the information about niche sites and SEO.

      2. Google is very smart now and penalizes the copied stuff instantly. Other than that, I am not using any PBNs or anything else, which could hurt me… Of course the competition will increase but I don’t think ranking on shavers, routers and other keywords are easy for a newbie/copier.

      3. Yeah, I got 3 more sites, but those are very small as compared to 10b.


  34. Hi Luqman,

    Great work, you really inspired me ,thanks for sharing.

    and i was wondering how do you find your writer ? any advice to find a good writer to start the affiliate site ?

    Thank you


  35. Hi Luqman, I have one question.

    I see that you rank #1 for wireless routers and electric shavers, however you are on page 2-3 in google for gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, and your other money articles.
    Why is that?

    (I read your interview on Cloudliving and you said you “worked on those 2 articles” (routers & shavers)). In what ways did you work on them extra to rank? Built more links to them?

    Thank you

    1. Hey Andrew,

      It is because the most of the link juice is passing through my ranking articles. I need to pass the link juice and work on the other pages to rank them on page 1.
      It is possible by doing their offpage SEO and improving the onpage errors.


  36. Hi Luqman, great update!

    I have question about all footer links (privacy policy etc.)
    Did you write them by yourself or used some generator or something like that? Could you point me in the right direction?


  37. Hey Luqman,

    Congratulation on your success and thanks for sharing, very inspiring. I’m currently just starting out with my first amazone and what I can’t workout is how do I capitalised on traffic from other location/countries apart from U.S.

    Couple of question:
    1. If you are not using tools like EasyAzon how are you capitalising on all your global traffic, or are you just targeting the US market only?

    2. How do you over come this if you are not using similar tools and what is your recommendation?

    Thanks in advance


    1. Hey Andrew,

      1. I am not targeting global traffic just yet. Just earning from amazon USA.
      2. I didn’t get your question bruh?


    1. Yeah ofcourse.
      Traffic is decreased a bit after the Christmas season and the last update of google.
      Anyhow, will fix it soon.

  38. Hi…
    I am interested in learning to become an affiliate,
    I just feel confused to write product reviews, because my english is bad.

    I am currently studying adsense, I have a website. if you can help me to stabbed my website?

    Please let me know,

  39. Hi Luqman,

    Congratulations! Great acheivement.
    1. Did you sell the site? I see Edward from Romania running it?
    2. Do you have any plan of creating a course?


    1. You just need to have a table in your article and google is smart enough to detect it and show it in the search results.


  40. Perhaps you were coming to LGU in February 2017 for a seminar, I really missed the day due to some reasons. I just need to ask some questions how to create an Amazon account in Pakistan, and which address you’re using, which payment gateways you’re using! I know SEO to an insane level only for Google Adsense, am blank in affiliate marketing due to lack of guidance! Would you help me, brother?

    1. I was in LGU last friday, not sure when I will visit again.
      Anyhow, creating an amazon affiliate account is extremely easy and you can use your paksitani postal address to sign up.


  41. Hi Luqman
    I heard about 10beasts from my friend and we have been following the site. Let me agree with all others that this is tremendous work within a short period. I am also liking the fact that you are taking time to respond to our questions.. I already got all my answers from your replies here. Be blessed

  42. Hi Luqman, what a way to go. I’m surely going to adopt your strategies and see if I can lighten up my blog to start bringing in some cheese for me. Thumbs up!

  43. Wow it’s amazing Luqman! I was impressed by your result and even your age that you could manage to rage up to 5/6 figures in no less than a year.

    What’s your recommendation regarding SEO to rank a site like yours? Looks like I am asking a question in general but this is possibly the best question that do provide me such a great answer to ranking the site like yours.


  44. Amazing work. I was working in a different industry, but after seeing your work and results, I’ve decided to do something like this too.

    Your results are really amazing, probably 99% of us who will try will never achieve that with a single site.

    Thanks for suggestions, ideas and the knowledge that you’ve shared with us.

  45. I can only imagine how much research has gone into this. I like your writing skills as it makes one feel included in the journey. Thank you for the valuable notes.

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