Today I’m going to reveal how I build an Amazon Affiliate Site and took it to $4500+ in monthly profit within 4 Months.
(You’ll also learn the exact Onpage SEO and Offpage SEO tactics I applied to take this site to this level)
Wait, that’s not all :)
But First, Let me Introduce my Amazon Affiliate Site…
I’m not going to hold back today. In fact, I want you to review my site, analyze it, and learn from it.
So, without further ado, here is the site:
It is in the “Tech, Computer and Gadgets” niche and as a student of Computer Science, I am extremely passionate about it. Other than that, I am not targeting any specific “Product Category”.
It is actually a “TOP 10” list type site.
Few other similar sites:
I started 10Beasts back in April 2016, purchased the domain on 29th of March and published my first article on 4th of April.
In these 4 Months, I have posted only 8 Articles and 1 Infographic.
Don’t believe me? See this…
In the first 3 months, it generated me $223.30 combined and received 905 unique visitors from Search Engines.
- April: $16.5 Earnings – 29 Unique Visitors
- May: $34 Earnings – 197 Unique Visitors
- June: $170 Earnings – 679 Unique Visitors
So, that was all about the first 3 months, Right?
Now my site was completely out of the Sandbox and my keywords were continuously moving up in the SERPs.
Why my keywords were moving up?
Because I was not praying only, but working my butt off. I was doing email outreach and was trying to build quality backlinks as much as possible in those 3 months. (I will explain it later in the Link Building Process below)
So, the JULY was finally here and most of my targeted keywords were on #1 position in Google.
Well, these results are from a single article. 10Beasts is also ranking on few other articles in the top 10.
Anyway, these are the keyword positions in SERPs but what about the traffic and earnings in July?
Here is a screenshot of the Traffic in July.
Earnings? Here comes the most interesting part of this case study.
I’m sure it will blow your mind, and curious you to read this whole CASE STUDY!
$4732.11 Bingoooo…
You know what?
I was just as amazed as you, to see that huge bump in the traffic and earnings. Well, all thanks to my link-building Efforts and of course my Prayers :)
You can also learn all of these tactics inside AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp. That is one of the Top Notch course for Amazon Affiliate marketers out there.
Don’t forget to check it out.
So, that was all about my site. Now obviously you want to know, HOW I DID IT?
Let’s Dive right in…
Step 1
Keyword Research
I hope you’ll agree with me when I say:
SEO is nothing without Keyowrd Research. Period.
So, even before choosing my domain name, I started keyword research and followed these 3 Simple Steps
- Find your Passion and Choose your Niche
- Choose Product Category
- Analyze Competition and Generate Keywords
#1 Find your Passion and Choose your Niche
Choosing a niche isn’t a difficult task if you know, what you love doing. I always prefer to choose something you passionate about.
I am a Tech Enthusiast and love to read latest technology posts and I have subscribed to a lot of tech reviewers on Youtube.
In fact, I am a student and “computer” is my major subject. So, by choosing this niche, I will surely write better as compared to others.
After choosing my niche “Tech” and setting up my mind to write about Computer accessories and Latest Gadgets, I moved forward to choose Product Categories.
#2 Choose Product Category
Now it was time to choose Product Categories.
The first thing I had to do was to find the main broad categories, in which I can find my niche relative products.
To find those categories, I head over AliExpress Categories. Now you might be thinking why not Amazon Departments? See the screenshot below.
See, how well organized and detailed these categories are.
That is why whenever I want to find a Product Category, I jump towards AliExpress.
So, all of these categories fall under “Tech” niche. So, I didn’t go further deep inside, because I didn’t have to choose only ONE, I can pick all of those and write 1 article in each.
While planning for this authority site, I chose 10 categories to write in, even before choosing my domain name. I ended up choosing 5 High-Comp categories and 5 Low-Comp categories because I wanted to compete with some big giants.
For this case study, I will only talk about 2 of my articles which are doing great in SERPs. One of them is low-comp and the other one is high-comp.
- High-Comp: Wireless Router
- Low-Comp: 3d Pen
#3 Analyze Competition and Generate Keywords
Now, I was done with niche selection and also I have chosen the product categories for the first 10 articles.
Now it was time to generate keywords, analyze the competition and see how much monthly searches I will get. I always prefer to find the competition manually. However, Long Tail Pro and KWFinder are also great tools to analyze the competition.
I always follow this pattern to generate the keywords:
Best + [Product Category] + [Year]
I ended up with:
- Best Wireless Router 2016 (KC: 49, Monthly Searches: 8k)
- Best 3D Pen (KC: 29, Monthly Searches: 2.4k) – Skipped the year because of low monthly Searches
Alright, I hope you know how to find these monthly searches and other stuff, so I am skipping it and moving towards the Site Structure.
Step 2
Site Structure
The website structure plays an important role in enhancing User Experience and SEO.
Well, I always preferred a static homepage with 2-3k word well-researched content. A chunk of affiliate links in it and all that stuff.
But, for the first time, I used a widgetized homepage with an Optin box and only 2 latest posts.
So what was the change in it:
- No content on the homepage
- No affiliate links or any kind of external links on the homepage
- Only 2 latest posts and a big Optin Box
Why that change?
Well, it was just an experiment, and I think it worked. Google prefers the sites which doesn’t have that much content on their homepage.
For the main menu, I added a Blog page and 3 main “Broad Categories”.
Bottom menu includes all of the legal pages including About and Contact Page.
I added No-Index, No-Follow tag on all of the Taxonomies and Archives pages to prevent Internal Duplicate Content Issues.
WordPress Theme and Plugins
I am a die heart fan of StudioPress Genesis Framework.
For this authority blog, I chose Aspire Pro.
Why Genesis Framework?
- Integrated Schema
- Secured and Latest HTML 5 Coded
- Fast & SEO Optimized
Now, let’s talk about plugins.
I have 20 activated plugins but I am going to talk here about only of those which aren’t common.
Below you can find some of my favorite plugins which I am using on 10Beasts.
- Shortcode Ultimate: Well this plugin is love. It allows adding buttons, tables, lists, rows, columns, and much more in the content.
- Clicky by Yoast: Clicky is an analytics plugin but more easy to access and more helpful while analyzing real-time traffic as compared to Google Analytics.
- WP Smush: It decreases the image size and keeps the quality same. Helps in optimizing images.
- Tablepress: Allows to create tables with ease. I am using this plugin to create all of the tables. Shortcode ultimate also allows it, but I prefer tablepress because of the UX features it has.
- SEO by Yoast: Is there anyone who is reading this post and don’t know about SEO by Yoast? I don’t know if onpage SEO could be easier without this plugin.
Few more plugins but those are common.
Now the architecture of my website was set up.
The next thing I had to cover up was the content structure.
Step 3
Content Structure
Content structure is something which decides your conversion rate, user time on page, and bounce rate.
While writing your article, you need to keep 2 audiences in mind.
#1 Search Engines (Google, Bing…)
#2 Your Visitors
So, you need to take care for both of these, because you don’t have the choice.
One is sending you visitors, and the other one is filling your pockets.
I will talk about Search Engines in On-Page SEO Section.
For now, let’s only talk about the 2nd audience.
So, without wasting any further time, lets dive in.
#1 Article Introduction
Article introduction is very important as it will decide the behavior of the visitor.
A visitor will either stick and continue reading or will hit the “Back button” of the browser just after reading the first sentence.
So I made sure that the introduction of my article is good enough.
Just to let you know the power of article introduction, here is a small experiment.
I changed Introduction from this:
To this:
And want to check out the results?
That experiment was a massive success and improved the”Average Time on Page” by 500%.
… Isn’t it CRAZY?
So, always make sure to write a great introduction.
It will work for sure…
#2 Comparison Table
Comparison tables are great when it comes to conversion.
Just right after introduction, I include a simple yet powerful “Comparison Table”.
Most of your visitors don’t have the time to read your complete article.
So, what they do is try to find a table which lists all of the products you are reviewing in that specific article.
And if you don’t have one, you will probably loose a sale…
In fact, comparison tables are generating me most of the sales.
#3 Detailed Reviews
Now finally we are down to the Reviews.
I always make sure to write detailed reviews which convert into sales.
How to do that?
Let me explain with a small infographic…
1. Review Heading – Explain why you included that product
First of all, there are chances that your visitor is looking for a specific product.
So try to explain in the title that for which audience that product is good for.
In my case, I was writing an article about “Wireless Routers”.
So if you see the “Products Titles” in that article, you will find out something like this:
See, that how I explained that #4 is good for gamers and #8 is good for those who have a low budget…
2. Product Image
I always add an affiliate link to the product image.
And trust me they do convert very well.
3. Explain what is wrong in that product
This is very important.
I don’t keep praising every product I review but point out the bad factors in that specific product
It helps to build trust in the reader and generating more sales.
4. Pros and Cons
Lastly, before closing up the review, I included the pros and cons of that product.
For only 3 reasons:
- My visitors might be in the hurry, so they will make a decision just by reading pros and cons.
- It helps in increasing the word count of the article.
- Your article will look more professional and your visitor will trust you more.
#4 Buyer’s Guide
So I was done with a sticky introduction, a comparison table, and detailed product reviews.
Now I am down to the Buyer’s guide.
As I mentioned, if you will give value to your visitors, you will surely increase your conversion rate and make way more money.
By including a buyer’s guide, you are actually educating your visitors about that product.
Just include the different parameters of the Product Category and define them.. explain those.
#5 Related Articles
Last but not Least…
Internal linking is very important and that is why I add “Related Posts” manually at the end of each article.
It helps a lot to pass the link juice.
So, that was all about the content structure.
Now let’s move forward to the On Page SEO.
Step 4
On-Page SEO
Now, it is time to optimize that article for the 1st audience.
The Search Engine Robots …
For one post, I target only “1” main keyword.
Since I write lengthy articles, more than 5k words, I rank for other LSI keywords and long tail keywords without targeting them.
Important Read: Long Tail Keyword Mastery Guide!
That’s the beauty of Google Algorithm.
Now you must be wondering that how I did On-Page SEO on my articles.
I will explain it with an awesome Infographic.

#1 SEO Friendly URLs
So I made sure that all of my URLs are short and user-friendly.
#2 Starting the Title with the Targeted Keyword
I used to keep the targeted keyword in the beginning of Post Title.
#3 Add Multimedia
Of course, I add multiple images, videos, tables, and illustrations to enhance the SEO.
But adding the targeted keyword in the alt tag of your image will surely boost your OnPage and I always do that.
#4 Targeted Keywords in <h2> Heading
What’s wrong in adding your keyword in the H2 Subheading?
#5 Adding targeted keyword in the first 100 words
Adding the targeted keyword in the first “100 words” is absolutely beneficial to Google.
And to ensure the rankings, I never miss it…
In fact, I am naturally used to it.
#6 Adding Outbound Links
By adding relative outbound links, you are actually telling google that what your content is about.
So I always make sure to add outbound links to relative sites.
#7 Internal Linking
As I mentioned in the previous Step, that internal linking is very important to pass the link juice to other pages.
So, I add “Related Articles” manually at the end of each article.
#8 Post Long Content
Do I post long content?
You bet…
My average article length is 5000+ words.
#9 Boost Dwell Time
If a visitor land on your site and hit the back button within first 10 seconds, it gives a signal to Google about LOW-QUALITY CONTENT.
And the next story, you know it very well. Google will start pushing that article down in SERPs.
So to increase the “Avg. Time of User”, I did three things only.
- Wrote Long Content
- Engaging Introduction (As I mentioned above)
- Adding Small paragraphs, comparison table, images, and pros/cons.
Step 5
Giving a Kickstart
Here comes the interesting part.
So, I was done with publishing my articles and my website was live.
Now, all I need was TRAFFIC…
So, to get the traffic, I started to provide social signals to my articles.
For this job, I chose
It is a 3 step process…
- Just tweet your article and pin it on Pinterest once.
- Add your tweet and pin on AddMeFast and start a retweet and repin campaign.
- Don’t overdo it, just do it slowly and steady (Less than 10 retweets and repins a day).
That is how I got that massive amount of social shares :)
It helped me a lot to take my site out of the sandbox quickly.
Other than that, I made $16 the very first month from this site and credits goes to these social signals…
Step 6
Link Building
Finally, the Link Building Process.
If you want to take your Amazon Affiliate Site to the next level, you will have to build High-Quality links.
Now, it’s up to you which one you want to follow, black hat or white hat…
I am doing only White-Hat link building for this site.
So, today I am going to talk only about it.
Below you can find all of the tactics which I am applying to get Backlinks.
#1 Web 2.0 Submissions
Few of you might be thinking that Web 2.0 is dead but let me tell you that, NO IT’S NOT…
I hired a guy from BHW for this job, and sadly he submitted spun content on all of the links.
But surprisingly the turnout was AWESOME!
Bought that service for my low competition article “Best 3d Pen”.
I am ranking in Top 5 for every keyword which I was targeting for that article.
Anyway, I don’t recommend you guys to use that service, because of the spun content.
But I do recommend you to submit yourself and make sure to submit a unique and readable article every time.
#2 Guestographics
Now you must agree with me that Brian Dean is Genius…
He is, there is no doubt!
But for this strategy, I would like to give credits to Tung.
I came up with this Idea after watching a video on ThankYourSkin Case Study Update 3.
So, without wasting any further time, I created an engaging infographic and started email outreach.
I got 3 links so far, I will get more for sure, but need to get some time to work on it :)
Also, I recommend reading this Guestographic Case Study.
#3 Forum and Blog Comments
There is nothing new here.
I joined the niche relevant Forums, find my product relevant threads and added a naked URL in the Comments.
Other than that, I posted comments on several blogs with homepage URL and the anchor text was “Edward Eugen”.
#4 Scholarship Program
Here comes the most Powerful technique.
Everyone knows that Google loves .edu Backlinks and you can get a chunk of backlinks by providing a Scholarship.
Of course, you can only do that if you have money in your pockets but that’s worth it.
In fact, I created a scholarship program on 10beasts and build nearly 50 High Quality .edu Backlinks.
See how good that thing is…
So, same question? How do I do that?
Well, it is a 3 Step Process, let’s dive in.
Step 1: Create a Scholarship Program on your Site
Firstly, create a page on your site which describes your scholarship.
Include all of the details, who can apply, what are the limitations, what are the requirements, and everything else.
Here is an example of my scholarship page.
Don’t copy mine.
Create yours and yeah most important “Create your scholarship relevant to your niche”.
Step 2: Find Universities that Link to External Scholarships
Finding the universities that link to outside/external universities isn’t a difficult task.
You can either do it using Google Strings.”scholarship”
Or you can also use ahrefs to crawl other scholarships and find their backlinks.
You can get a chunk of universities from there.
Step 3: Contact these Universities and tell them about your Scholarship
So, I am done with Scholarship page.
I have a list of Universities which might be interested in linking to my Scholarship Program.
All I have to do now is to contact them and let them know about my scholarship.
Here is a decent email template which I use:
Hello there,
I’m contacting you because of a Scholarship program for (School Name) students.
The name of this Scholarship Program is: “(name)”.
Here is a URL to our Scholarship: (scholarship page URL)
(Description of your Scholarship program)
Here is a brief list of our requirements:
- Requirement 1
- Requirement 2
I will appreciate if you feature our scholarship program to your website.
If you have any question, please let us know.
Thank you,
(Your Name)
After getting links and successfully completing your Campaign, add internal links to your money page.
You can find a more detailed Scholarship Guide on Whitespark.
That is all. Easy Isn’t it?
#5 Blog Aggregators Submission
Blog Aggregators lists some quality blogs in different Categories.
One of the most famous is
Alltop is a DA 81 Aggregator and provides 6 dofollow links.
One to your homepage and five to your latest posts.
You can get yours by following these 3 simple steps.
- Find the Best Category which suits your site.
- Submit your site and confirm that you are the owner.
- Wait for approval.
That’s all.
You can find my site in the List Category.
Now It’s your Turn!
Now you have to learn from this case study and implement these strategies into your sites.
If you want to learn more, just join AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp.
Do let me know, how well I have written in the comments below since it is my first post here.
Don’t forget to share this AWESOME case studies with your friends.
Amazing !
Thanks for these great insights.
I was wondering which tool/technique do you use to track conversion rate ?
Thanks, look forward your next update on this
You are welcome Cyrill :)
Amazon shows the conversion rate in Affiliate Panel!
Hello. This post is simply great ! Looks like You master the User Experience thing. :p
I already took some notes for some changes in my amazon strategy/content. :D
I have a question. When You link to authority websites, do you make the links dofollow or nofollow. For example, when you link to wikipedia…
Thanks a lot ! :)
Hey Herve,
Good Question here :)
I always add a dofollow link to all of the external Authority websites.
Excellent !
Thanks for this.
Other questions if You don’t mind. When You are building web 2.0s :
1 – Which web 2.0s do you use ? WordPress ? Tumblr ? Can You give a list please ?
2 – How many pages by web 2.0s ? Only one page/article or multiple pages/articles ?
Thanks ! :)
Well, as I mentioned in the article, I bought a service for this job.
He created about 50-60 Web 2.0 on different platforms.
He submitted only 1 article on each web 2.0.
Anyway, I recommend you to not create more than 30. And also submit only unique and readable article.
Best of luck.
You are really useful, Man !
Another question. Can I please have a list of those Web 2.0s where to create ?
I’m a bit lost about what to choose.
Thanks a lot. :)
Hi Luqman,
I have to say I learned a lot here.
Love the way you do the keyword research (follow your passion and choose the niche). What your share is extremely valuable!
What do you think about Thrive Theme, compare to Genesis?
Well, to be honest, I don’t like thrive themes/plugins at all.
They are slow, not integrated with schema (you need to add schema manually on each post) and a lot of other things which I don’t like at all.
But, I do recommend you that if you are good at thrive themes, then continue with them. There is nothing wrong, they are just not my type.
Nice write up dude!
Would be interesting to see the positions of each of the two articles moving up as each week goes by (webmaster tools).
Awesome opportunity for you to really build this into a behemoth! Cheers
That scholarship way of building backlinks is superb. But it looks like you were already ranking well even before building .edu links. Weren’t you?
Yeah, I was ranking on the 2nd and 3rd page for most of my keywords before Scholarship, Thanks to web 2.0 …
But scholarship links boosted my position in SERPs :)
Are the scholarship links permanent, or do you have to continually offer scholarships to keep the links?
You need to offer the scholarship each year in order to keep the backlinks.
How many scholarships do you have? I can’t find the article anymore, did you delete it (do you lose the backlink at that point)?
How do you find a “winner” and how do you give them money?
I’m providing only 1 scholarship there.
Nope, I didn’t delete it, it is still there.
I simply choose the one who submit the best article.
Wow! That was great!
May I know how much your investment for this site so far? :) Give me a breakdown of investment if you can. :)
I just bought a Web 2.0 service from BHW for $170.
Other than that, I have spent nearly $300 – $400 on content.
Nothing Else so far…
Hi Luqman,
What a great achieve achievement so far! Can you tell me which service did you buy from BHW. I’d like to test with my new site if this still works. So that I can give you an update and for the rest of the people who are wondering if the service still works.
I’ll just experiment with the same service with my dummy website and will let you know what goes on.
I appreciate your reply.
Hey Johm,
There you go. It is called SEO Steroid 3.0
What of hosting?How much didi you spend?
I am using WPEngine and it costs me $100/month.
Hi Luqman,
I am interested to know the advantages of this relatively expensive hosting package over cheaper alternatives?
Hey James,
1. Fastest Servers (Your site will load in seconds).
2. The hosting can bear huge traffic.
3. Optimized for WordPress.
4. Secured Servers (their firewall prevents any kind of malicious files or viruses).
5. Google loves websites which load quickly :)
Nice share Luqman.
You said you spent nearly $300-$400 for content. Did you wrote article yourself or bought it from content writer? Do you have any recommendation for the best content writer service? Thanks in advance.
Hey Vid,
I have a personal writer and the initial investment was on the content, theme, and other things.
Hey Luqman… Found your site through Tung’s post. Great work for a massive post! I’m truly impressed. Thanks for some great insight, you’ve given me some good ideas to grow, and grow fast!
I like the idea about a scholarship, I think it’ll help with one of my site’s that I just started to get out of the Sandbox. Yes, I agree with you that the Sandbox does exist.
Also, thanks for the tip on AddMeFast. I’ll have to check it out and give it a try.
Best of luck with this site! Thanks for sharing and keep grinding!
You plan are well organized. I especially like the Scholarship plan, its different I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing your idea.
Awesome, :). Thanks
Hello Luqman,
Your journey is amazing so far and yes the case study is a good way for sharing what you’ve learnt and what works well.
Mind sharing, what plugin you use for displaying this quick link thing on your sidebar and the exact related widget/banner on the sidebar of 10beasts?
Thank you :)
Hey Swadhin,
That’s a good question :)
1. Plugin for sticky widget is “Q2w3 Widget”
2. I am using a module of Jetpack which is called “Visibility” which allows me to show different widgets on different pages with the help of taxonomies.
3. For banner, I design those myself as I used to be a designer on fiverr :)
Please let me know if you still have any question. Cheers
Is the Quick Links created manually or it is automatic?
I have manually added it in the sidebar.
@Patrick Mahinge – Good to see a Kenyan like me interested in affiliate marketing
Hi Luqman,
Thanks for the fast reply. can you please say how to get that exact quick link widget with those green arrows?
And on 10Beasts, do you use the same jetpack to get targeted and related to the post widget on the sidebar?
Thank you :)
You are welcome Swadhin.
Using shortcode ultimate “list” module for those quick links.
Yes using the same Jetpack “visibility” module for those widgets in the sidebar.
Thanks so much for the kind help. And you are an awesome graphic designer too.
Mind sharing your email so that I can get in touch with you? You can directly mail me if you don’t want to display the email here. :)
Hey Buddy,
You can reach me at
Very detailed, Luqman. Are you learning from AMZ bootcamp of Tung?
Another question is which tool are you using to track keyword rankings?
Hey Luong,
Yes, I’m following his course and I suggest you to go for it if you can afford it.
You can track your keywords using
Best of luck
Thanks so much bro. I’m gonna keep following your blog :D
I’ve been building a new site also. How long do you think I can start building links without worrying about Sandbox?
Hello Luqman,
Awesome case study. You have any suggest about create a infographic?
Very well research article, is on my “should read page” .
Nice explain and easy to read.
Many thanks to you man.
Thank you so much for all this information. It’s really helpful.
I really like how you simplify everything.
Excellent post. I have been doing almost the same as you, the only thing missing is the edu part. If you had not gone for the edu part, in your opinion, how long it would take you to achieve your current success?
Also, How did you make the “QUICK LINKS FOR THIS CASE STUDY” sidebar?
2-3 more months I guess!
I have added it manually using Visibility module of Jetpack and Q2w3 widget plugin.
Hey Luqman, i just loved the look of your site. what pulgin are you using to design your site 10beasts, like highlight areas, buttons, that table made in every review
Hey Buddy,
Those are custom defined CSS classes.
Those Pros/Cons tables were designed using “Shortcode Ultimate”. But I modified the CSS code of the plugin a bit.
That’s all :)
Hey there Luqman,
68 universities linked to your Scholarship program. Does this mean that you have to pick a winner for every 68 universities, meaning you need to pay 68*500.
Or does it mean from all those 68 you only need to pick 1 winner?
It seems surprising that 68 links ( even .edu) in a short time does not look fishy to google.
Great content btw :P Everything was so interesting you definitely. boosted my dwell time.
Naah mate,
I have to pick only 1 winner out of all of the submission, but I do have to let all of the universities know the winner’s name, school, Roll no, and a link to winner’s submission (article).
So, they can verify it.
Other than that, I need to update them with the next deadline date, so they will update the scholarship deadline on their websites.
Haha that sounds indeed more than fair, and a attractive way to gain edu backlinks. Thanks for the quick reponse!
So creative, smart, and impressive!
You did white hat links by providing a scholarship. What a so creative way! $1000/ links = $20 per one, a very low price to pay when doing high-quality white hat links. I’m learning white hat link building and I’m willing to replicate this method to my own site too, it’s about CrossFit.
I have two questions:
1. How long do these .edu backlinks last?
2. Do you have to provide this scholarship annually, quarterly or monthly?
Hey buddy,
Thanks a lot for your words and to be honest, I don’t deserve the credits for being CREATIVE! As I also found this technique somewhere back in 2015.
Now here are the answers to your questions.
1. As long as you are paying scholarships.
2. I provide annual scholarship
can i know from where did u got this technique in 2015 ? Thanks in Advance :D
Somewhere on
Amazing stuff thanks for sharing!
what are you using for the social boxes by your articles??
by the picture where you talk about how many shares you got?
thank you
Using Genesis Simple Share plugin for inline social buttons and Monarch plugin for floating social bar.
Thanks. Can I use this for any WordPress theme?
Genesis Simple Share is only for Genesis Child Themes.
Hi what free themes do you recommend. dont want to spend the money on genesis theme??
thank you
Generate Press
Congratulations for your great success, I’m just dreaming of a similar outcome :)
My question if you let me: How the article content has made? I suppose you did not buy 10 routers to review all of it :)
But if not, how can you produce that deep info, pros, cons, etc?
thank you
ps: you could answer via email if you find it a better way :)
Hey Peter,
That’s where the Amazon Reviews and Reviews on other websites comes in.
Just do some research, gather some information and re-writer it.
Hi Luqman,
Wish you Good luck to archive more in near future. In online marketing there so many big marketers, who willingly to help newbies, but no one shared their complete strategy like you did here, Thankx is very little thing to say, I have learned several new topics from your article.
I would like to say one thing, I am using Avada theme, is there any difference while using different theme , even free theme or paid theme for the blog / website speed performance you think. Your opinion, please.
Hey Rony,
Thanks a lot for your words :)
Yes ofcourse, different themes have different functions.
Most of the free themes are poorly coded while the paid themes are perfectly optimized and good when it comes to website speed. (Thanks to latest coding standards).
Other than that, Avada is one of the best theme out there but to be honest, that theme is really not designed for AMAZON affiliates or NICHE sites.
So, I recommend you to go for a theme which is Secured, Fast, HTML5 Coded, and Schema Integrated.
I recommend StudioPress. I have been with them for years.
Best of Luck
Really inspirational :). May I ask how long it took to get all of your backlinks indexed? I got some backlinks almost 15 days ago and still haven’t seen either they show up on backlink semrush or arehfs or any rankings/traffic improvement.
Thank you.
Hey Alex,
Some of the websites/blogs add a restriction on their pages so the Ahrefs/SEmrush and other backlinks crawling tools can’t crawl their pages.
In result, you won’t see any backlinks coming from those sites.
It’s better to go to your webmaster tool.
Click on “Search Traffic” and then from there, go to “Link to your sites”.
That’s all. Cheers
Hi Luqman,
Thank for the quick response. I’ve just followed your tip and well, didn’t see these backlinks. Does that mean these backlinks aren’t helpful at all for my ranking improvement? (They are from lifehack.ord,, etc).
PS: I haven’t seen any notification for your reply and I think comment notification would be really helpful for the site and its readers :) (please don’t mind if this offend you).
It is very common to do backlinks, and they do not get indexed right away. Some saying let them index natural, however, there is no guarantee they willl ever index nantural; This is why most backlink their backlinks; This is when you send tier2 links to tier1, and if you go futher, then tier3 backlinks to tier2, all of this will help the backlinks to index, as not every link will even index…
Congratulate to your success, Luqman
+ You mentioned that you hired writers on Facebook Groups $0.6-$1/100 words. I tried to hire someone from India with the same cost as you. But their quality was not really good. For US/UK writers, their cost is litte high. Can you share some FB groups of writers here? Or How could you find your writers?
+ When the admin of university posted about your schoolarship program, they will link to your schoolarship’s page, not your review pages. So the admin post wouldn’t help you rank your review pages. But students wrote articles and linked to your review pages, is it right?
Thanks, Jackie…
1. The groups where from I find my writers are not “Writing Groups”. Those are Niche relative groups means “Computer Gaming Groups” and other groups.
2. Nop, not at all. Students submit their articles through email, they don’t post it anywhere.
All of the universities link to my scholarship page, but I add internal links in my scholarship page to pass the link juice.
Thanks for sharing your strategies with us and not holding back.
This is really helpful. I believe investing $1000 on annual scholarship is way better and safer than creating and maintaining a PBN.
In short, I get the whole thing and an actionable step by step procedure.
This is why case study is that powerful.
I have two questions:
1) Do you intentionally create more backlinks for your homepage than the internal pages (mine homepage is also dynamic like yours)?
2) Do you have any specific number to create the external and internal backlinks?
1. It is always good to make sure that your backlink profile looks natural. (And to make it look like natural you must build backlinks to your homepage).
2. About 60% to internal pages and 40% to homepage is good.
Spectacular work Luqman!
You’re motivating some of us who are starting to cultivate into this field..
A quick one… what hosting service are you currently using?
Which one is the best for over 1000 traffic per day?
Thanks man and keep going.
Hey Buddy,
I am using WpEngine. I recommend you Bluehost, if your traffic is nearly 1k/day.
Good job. The .edu links will soon become devalued from google along with sponsored links. I hesitate to put them on sites I care about because if you get a manual review it’s quite obvious you are using it for the sole purpose of link building. One sponsorship link that makes sense is fine.
The issue with going this route is all of your backlinks are very visible and it’s obvious to other affiliates what you are doing. So they will be much more inclined to turn you into Google. Don’t mean to sound pessimistic I’ve just been around long enough that shizz happens and it’s always when you least expect it. It’s always better to have a much more natural link profile. If you look at your profile it’s so heavy on .edu links I think your asking for trouble. Enjoy the money while you can.
You are absolutely Right John.
Anything that exceeds a limit is not good in Google’s Eyes.
And of course, I am going to create more links using Guest Posting, Donations and various other ways to make it look natural!
It’s amazing. Just 4months you earn 4.5K. Really appreciate for sharing!
Hey Luqman, really liked your case study !
I have a question related to keywords.
What would you suggest for this case :
I have main keyword (“best” + “product”) with 3k searches and I am creating a 3k+ length buying guide for it.
And also, I have another keyword that related to this product, but it’s something like “best” + “product+ “for youth”. And now I don’t know exactly if I should use these 2 keywords in 1 article or I need 2 separate pages.
So if I do 2 separate pages for it, I afraid it can cause keyword cannibalization.
What do you think ?
Thanks in advance :)
Hey Kanan,
I recommend you to create a single article for both keywords.
Also for your main keyword, change it to (“best” + “product” + “year”), This way you are targeting both (“best” + “product”) and (“best” + “product” + “year”).
Also, use LSI keywords and your other keywords several times in the content like “best product for youth”. Write more than 5k words, so google will rank you on more Long-tail keywords.
Hey Luqman,
Best of a Guide you have here. It is amazing to see how easily you grew your site in less than 4 months.
I love to feature you on my blog.
Do give a thought.
Hey Buddy,
Please contact me through email.
You can reach me at
Hi Luqman,
Congratulations on your success and thanks for the detailed case study. I learned a lot from it.
I just wanted to ask about the keywords that have the year in them. You targeted “best product + year” keywords, but aren’t these types of keywords short lived? What happens when the year expires, when people will no longer be looking for the current year? Will you change the URLs?
If so, will that not drop your rankings?
Hey Sarah,
By the end of the year, I will update my content and add replace 2015 with 2016, and also I will update the products and reviews.
No need to change the “URL”.
Also, Just to let you know, google loves updated content. So, make sure to keep your content updated.
Other than that, I make sure that my content does rank on the upcoming year. If you will search “Best Router 2017” Or any of my targeted keywords with the year as “2017”, you will find 10beasts in top 3.
Hey Luqman,
Great work!
Did you outsource most of your content?
Hey Pete,
Yeah I outsourced about 6 articles and wrote 2 of those myself.
Hi Luqman,
Thanks. Very helpful stuff you’ve got here. Just a quick question.
Is your blog a category instead of a wordpress installation?
Hey Abby,
I am using WordPress mate.
So much informative article Luqman, Congratulations on your great sucess. My all prayers with you too.
I have some questions,
1. Are spun contents are good because I read many stories that when Google update their algorithm many sites went down in ranking.
2. Did you use sherlock BHW service for web 2.0 or any other kindly give us the exact link so that we can also check his services.
3. which keyword tool do you use for watching change in rank.
4. When your next article comes?
Thanks Atif :)
1. Nop, it is not good at all. That is why I have disavowed all of the web 2.0s I got from BHW service.
2. I used “SEO Steroid 3.0” for Web 2.0 and other submissions service.
4. If you mean on NichePie than I will post next article in coming 2-3 weeks or maybe sooner. Or if you meant on 10beasts, then I am working on other articles to get them rank on the first page before going for new articles.
Thanks so much for quick reply,
You wrote that web 2.0 works so which web 2.0 service do you use or manually built them yourself.
Wht is your next backlinking strategy for upcoming articles.
I just read about you on Tung’s blog, that’s some amazing results you got there after 4 months!
This is easily one of the best case study I’ve read on building niche sites. You taught me a lot of things via this one epic post. I haven’t though about adding comparison tables to my reviews, I’ve got to work on that ASAP. :)
I just have some questions:
1. Do you need to try all the products you reviewed or do you just find most of the information on Google and compile them together?
2. How much do you pay annually for the scholarship (I can’t afford this but am loving the idea of helping others while building your site)?
Thanks a bunch for sharing!
P.S. I just tweeted it, wish you had a Twitter account though so I can tag you. :P
Hey Anh,
Thanks a lot, buddy :)
My twitter is @nichepie, now coming to your questions.
1. Nah, I don’t try these products. All of the reviews are based on Internet Research. (I was planning to write an article on it).
2. I give only 1 scholarship a year and award the winner with $1000 only. (To be honest, it’s absolutely worth it)
Thanks for the quick reply! I just came back and read the whole article.
Sifting through the whole post was such a breeze, I’m loving how to the point and straight-forward your writing is. You really know what an epic post means. :D
About product reviews, I am genuinely curious, in your post about best routers, you mentioned that you’ve “tested these wi-fi routers”. Wouldn’t that be inaccurate if you haven’t used the products?
Other than that, your scholarship award sounds great and quite affordable also, I may be able to start one in the near future.
Stay awesome,
Hey Anh,
If the visitors will find out that these reviews are just based on Online Research, then probably they move to another website which actually tests products while reviewing like (PCMag, Cnet…). So, in order to make a sale, you need to do that.
Someone like me and most of you can’t afford to buy 10 routers or any other product you guys are reviewing, Right?
So, a small lie can help you here. :D
haha, I suspect 90% of the internet is a lie in some form or fashion. Do you think these big boy media owners write their content? Heck no, they pay someone else to write for them; If you can write about your products, then you got mad skills over those that cant, however, I also suspect 90%-95% of affiliates that post content is resourced out; It is just a matter of finding the right writer that knows the facts about the product(s) and knows how to write about them in detail.
This is a tricky topic for affiliate marketers, I guess! :P
Thanks for sharing your genuine take. Personally, I try to buy some of the products that I review, but not all of them since I don’t have such a big budget.
Hi Luqman,
relay informative post I like it too much..
I have 2 quick questions:
First, is there a rule for Scholarship I need to know about.
Second, which is the program that you use to check the links like the one in the picture for the scholarship.
Thanks for the amazing post.
Hey Omar,
1. Just keep it genuine and be honest.
Best of luck
Congrats, great results and even greater results in such a short time span.
How successful was your scholarship outreach? How many emails did you send? Did you collect data manually, with any software or outsource it?
I will for sure be using this tactic as it’s totally worth it.
Keep up this good work with your site(s) and thanks for case study(s).
Hey buddy,
Scholarship technique was really great. I had the conversion rate of nearly 50%.
All of the data was collected manually. (No Software)
You are welcome buddy… Cheers
Very nice post. And refreshing to see an affiliate website that has a broader niche. I think your backlinking part contributes the most to your success, well done.
I have a tip. Sprinkle some affiliate links in to your copy of the reviews. I can only see a link in the title and image. But no where in the body copy itself.
And I also would add an affiliate link below the PRO’s CON’s box.
Another question. How do you keep these posts updated. I mean, routers, they get updates quite often. It takes quite a lot of time to keep your top 10 fresh and up to date.
All the best, Pim
Thanks a lot for your tips Pim. I will surely try as you suggested.
Now coming to your question.
I am not the only one. I have hired few writers and editors here :)
not sure if you had already answered this, but where do you source your writers from? and do you have a strategy to hiring someone that writes quality content?
Thank you in advance.
I am using a local writer who is actually my classmate. He doesn’t work online.
Although, I recommend you to join “Facebook Groups” similar to your niche.
Example: If you are writing on “Paleo” than simply join paleo groups.
Post a writing job offer there. You will get offers, simply give all of them an assignment and choose the one with the best submission.
You might face issues in the start but guide your writer and he will be perfect after 2-3 jobs.
Hi mate,
CONGRATS! I must confess your results is very inspiring :)
Please I will appreciate if you can provide answer to the questions below:
1) Did you have all scholarship links (.edu) on one page? Or you spread them on different pages?
2) You have 8 pages (all 5000+-words)? Did you post them all on “PAGE” or “POST” section of the wordpress?
3) You said the 8 articles are all Categories? This means you will still have other posts under each categories and link them together?
1. The universities will only provide you link on your scholarship page. So, in simple words, you can’t get that link to any other page. However, you can pass the link juice by internal linking.
2. Almost all of the articles are 5k+. All of these are “Posts” not pages.
3. Nop, all of these articles are not categories. I meant category in “General Term” not in “WordPress Taxonomy Term”. Hope it clears.
Hi Luqman,
Super great post! TY for sharing it.
Could you write an example for this “link juice by internal linking” and link on the scholarship page, pls? (which text do you use for it? )
// 1. The universities will only provide you link on your scholarship page. So, in simple words, you can’t get that link to any other page. However, you can pass the link juice by internal linking. //
Thanks a lot!
Link juice flows in your site through internal linking.
Let’s say you have 4 pages on your site “A, B, C and D” and you got 10 backlinks to your page “A” and got no backlink to any other page.
The page A will start to rank in SERPs.
The link juice will affect other pages too, but very little. So, let’s say you added internal links on Page A to “Page B and C”.
Now the link juice will pass to page B and C and both of those pages will start to rank better.
The most important thing to consider is the Link Juice will be “Divide” between internal links, it will not pass the exact value to all of the pages.
Let’s say the power of the link juice is 100, and you added 2 internal links, so both pages will get 50/50.
At the same time, if you add only 1 internal link, that will get full 100 and rank much better…
Hope it is clear now
$4k/mo in 4 months with minimal backlinks, is quite impressive. My questions:
1. How much do you pay per article (or $ per 1000 words)?
2. Is Edward Eugen a real person? If so, Is he the writer behind?
3. How smooth/difficult were your email outreach efforts for acquiring links? (Although your site has great content, it could still be yet another amazon affiliate niche site in their eyes, right?)
Thanks in advance!
1. I pay from $6 to $10 for 1000 words. (The writer is my classmate)
2. Nop, Edward Eugen is a made up name. (Eugen is a friend of mine from Romania, and I chose Edward from one of my favorite movie “Edward’s Scissor Hands”)
3. The email outreach is not that difficult but is not that easy at the same time. Sometimes you don’t get a reply which might be disappointing but that’s how it works.
Thank you very much for your reply, Luqman. One more tiny question, if you don’t mind.
While outreaching, do you prefer to get link to your homepage or the particular review page?
Thanks again!
Nop, not at all.
I always prefer to get link to the internal page from Email outreach.
Thank you.. And Thank you :)
Luqman, I don’t have any relative in US, So, I want to ask…
Do we need to pay before setting up the Scholarship campaign before outreach? If yes then to whom?
You don’t need to pay any money in advance. You can award the winner through Paypal, Western Union or any other medium which you prefer.
will universities publish my scholarship if i pay winner by PayPal?
That depends on the universities.
Hi Luqman,
Does the minimum amount for a scholarship is $1000?
Thank you,
Nop, you can start a scholarship program of $500 or any amount of your choice.
It’s up to you…
Hi Luqman,
Excellent Case study. I want to ask that since you don’t show blog posts in the homepage, how many email subscribers you got? Does optin form convert well?
Well, I got only 6 legit conversions from that Optin Box because very few visitors see my homepage as only the internal pages are ranking in SERPs.
But from the day I launched this case study, I have received more than 70 subscribers and all of them are niche marketers lol.
Hi Luqman,
First of all congratulation for your success & thanks for awesome in-depth guideline…
I have 1 question that how did you find the KC manually?
Best Wireless Router 2016 (KC: 49, Monthly Searches: 8k)
Best 3D Pen (KC: 29, Monthly Searches: 2.4k)
As you have mentioned the KC for each keyword so how did you find that?
Hey Andy,
I didn’t found that KC “29, 49” manually, I used LTP for it. Although that tool is really a joke, it provides different results each time.
But I just checked it for this “Case Study” purpose. Normally, I analyze the competition manually. Cheers
Thanks for reply,
How to find competition manually? What’s your idea & process to check competition?
Hey andy,
That’s gonna be a long answer.
You need to see the DA of all of the top 10 results, also you need to check the domain ages and which type of websites are ranking in top 10.
I suggest you to read this guide:
for those of us who might not have enough cash to purchase the seo steriods service, what software do u think they use to get such services doesn so we can do it ourselves. which should be more cost effective.thanks
Hi Luqman,
Two more questions:
1. Addmefast – for retweet and repin – what countries do you use? Worldwide or just US?
2. Web 2.0 – it’s the same as guest posting or how should I do it without BHW?
1. Worldwide
2. Nop, it is not the same as Guest posting. Just find websites which allow you to create a free website like Tumblr,, and wix. Sign up for a free account with a subdomain. Submit your article with a backlink to your site. Just make sure that article is unique and readable.
Luqman, great post!
A question about your last comment – why does the article in a web 2.0 site need to be unique? isn’t it used only for backlinking purposes?
Additionally, let’s say I have 10 web 2.0 sites, does each and every one has to have its own unique content?
Many thanks
Hey Dan,
Of course to prevent google penalties. The copied/spunned content looks spammy and google hates spam.
So, unique content helps out there.
Hi Luqman,
You said that you have added “No-Index, No-Follow on Category page”, does it need to add the same to Tags page?
Yes absolutely. And do it on your archive pages as well. Cheers.
Hey Luqman, I love the way you structured and wrote this guide, very very easy to read. Would you mind if I have some questions specifically for this Niche Pie site?
1. What font and size font are you using to write this post? I love this serif font. Is it free, coming with the theme Aspire?
2. I think the floating TOC is BRILLIANT, but do you think you can have duplicate content issue with it? I meant the main url of this guide ( and the url for every link on the TOC ( pretty much have the same content.
3. Finally, I’m sorry if this questions has an obvious answer. But could you please point me where I could go to adde No-Index, No-Follow tag on all of the Taxonomies and Archives pages?
I can’t wait until your next post :).
Thank you.
No Problem Jane.
1. I am using Georgia Font. No, it doesn’t come with Aspire, I edit the CSS of this theme myself. Although the font is absolutely free and the size is 16px.
2. Nop, it doesn’t take you to another page. The URL is same and those quick links just take you above and down on the same page. So, no internal duplicate issues.
3. You need to install Yoast SEO plugin. Go to “Titles & Metas” and then go to “Taxonomies” tab. From there you can no-index and no-follow them.
That’s a great article Luqman!!
For a newbie like me, who is a law student and doesn’t have good knowledge on HTML, CSS, … Etc. what are the things to be learned to be successful in this field. Will be thankful to you if you can suggest me any course.
*I also want you to write an article about your background and how you entered into this field, in-depth so that it inspires a lot more members like me.
You are welcome Priyank :)
I just recommend you to learn HTML/CSS from
There is no better tutorial available as compared to them.
Sure, I will write an about page soon. The problem is that I get tired while writing…
Traditional marketing is the best way to go for the long term. Reaching out to companies and individuals and promoting content. It’s a much slower and more demanding process but that’s how you build something that lasts a long time. Google is getting better and better at closing the gap from the time affiliates expose a loophole to closing that loophole.
Personally, I hate putting so much effort into something that I can’t be confident that will be here after a major Google update. I started my affiliate career this way, made a ton of money, got penalized. When to zero sales the next day and for the next 3 months. Exploited Google and again and made a ton of money then got penalized again.
For me it was worth it but that was 2012 when the first Panda updates were coming out and Penguin was getting smarter. It’s getting harder and harder to rank now. I think Google is more concerned with good content, frequency of content, and they have delayed their rankings. It’s definitely not as quick to rank now as it was in the past.
My best advice for someone starting out is create great content, update your site often and reach out to other webmasters and companies. Try to think outside the box a little. Getting .edu links and sponsored links are easy cause anyone can do it.
Do you want to be in the pack with everyone else who will get wiped out during the next Google update or would you rather stand confident knowing you didn’t take the easy way out? I’ll choose the latter every time.
Hi Luqman,
What wordpress template are you using for this site? It looks so clean and beautiful. Great work with the Amazon niche site. Happy to have found your blog through Tung.
Hey Dain,
I am using Aspire Pro which is mentioned above in this article on this blog.
I just did some customization work on it. Cheers
Hi Luqman Khan,
Could your next post be about how exactly you use plugins to structure your site? I absolutely like how you do it. I really want to learn how you did it exactly!
Your website is so standout!
Thanks for giving me an idea :)
That’s gonna be my 3rd post. The 2nd Post is almost finished and on the way :)
Great case study, mate. What was the cost of infographic for iphone article?
Hey Michael,
I am a graphics designer, so I designed it myself…
Although it will cost you $100-$200 from upwork. Cheers
‘Amazing’ is the word that is coming to my mind at this time.
I rarely read any full post, but you made me stick to the very end. In-fact so end that now I’m going to read your other posts too.
Just keep up the good work.
Congrats on your success.
One question i have
To contact the college or university which email do we need to use? Means the one on which students will send the content or what?
Yo Luqman :D
Just a simple question, I’ve checked on of your articles and I’ve seen on your backlinks that you’re getting them from “emoneyspace” ( according to MOZ )
How did you do that ?
EmoneySpace is a forum, which allows you post your website and get a backlink.
Also, they provide dofollow backlink… Simple as that!
Your post is awesome,
1. Kindly can you share web 2.0 list and what is the prefect way of submission on web 2.0 sites.
2. is it best to create niche site only on one category like or like your site with multipule categories. I notice many niche sites built only on single category what is your advice.
1. As I mentioned, that I bought a service for web 2.0, so I don’t have any list.
2. It’s up to you. If you are new to SEO, then I recommend you to go with a single niche (ThankYourSkin Type), but if you are into it from a long time and know how to rank your site, then you can go with multi-niche site (10beasts).
Hi, Very nice case study.
I am also trying to rank my affiliate site.
Just one question, how to get “View at Amazon” on images? you done via manual editing or any via plugin?
Photoshop buddy :)
Hey friend, i want to know the deadline date you gave to these schools. How far can it be?
Could it be 3 months or 6 months deadline. Or it has to be shorter like 2weeks or a month for them to post it early?
Just make sure your deadline don’t exceed 1 year.
It can be 3 months, 6 months or ever 1 year.
Thank you for this in-depth case study! I learned a lot and you explain everything in great detail!
I was looking for an article like this which covers everything in one post and not for example in a 10-part series. Well Done!
Congrats on your success!
Thanks Luqman for quick reply,
I have more questions,
1. Can I make same 20 web 2.0 every time for ranking keywords is it best.
2. do you blast 2nd tier backlinks on 1 tier backlinks if yes then what is the best method to do this.
3. is aged domain good for ranking fast or not
1. Yes you can. But make sure to create a new network for each new site.
2. Nop I don’t.
3. I never used an expired/aged domain for my niche site project.
when you started this project , the competition was 49 for the keyword ”Best Wireless Router 2016” or ” Best Wireless Router “
Best Wireless Router 2016
Congratulations with great result! And thanks for sharing your case.
Can you say, please:
1. Where did you get images for articles?
2. Did you hire the specialist for answering questions of visitors? If no, where do you get information for answers?
Thanks. Good luck!
1. Amazon and Flickr
2. Nop, being a student of Computer Science, networking is my subject.
thanks Luqman. could you tell one more, please. what criterias did you use for choosing products? price range, the number of sales or something else? or just keyword search volumes?
Well, choosing a product is not a difficult task but not that easy at the same time.
Just make sure the product have good number of sales (minimum 1k), 4.5 Star Rating, and Affordable.
Thanks for very inspirational article.
Could you please tell me how many overall social shares (tweets & repins) do you recommend per post via addmefast?
Thanks for sharing such a detailed study. Can you tell your article source? The write?
Hey buddy,
I have hired local writers.. Cheers
Hi Luqman,
I really enjoy reading your straightforward, no bullshit style.
I have some questions.
1. For web 2.0, what anchor text do you use?
2. Does the web 2.0 point to ONE ARTICLE or to HOMEPAGE? For example, do you make twenty web 2.0s for “best 3d pen”, and then start over and make twenty NEW web 2.0s for “best router”?
I am glad you liked it Lele :)
1. Brand Name, Author Name, Targeted Keywords, Naked URL, and LSI Keywords.
2. I didn’t get your question at all.
Luqman, a few more questions if you don’t mind.
1. What is your preferred hosting company for niche sites?
2. Have your tried DigitalOcean/Linode (or other VPS) for hosting niche sites?
3. You seem to be using cloudfare. Is that the free or paid one? (10beast’s page load speed is excellent)
3. During outreach, which one of these email addresses would you prefer : / /
1. WpEngine or ScalaHosting.
2. Nope, I didn’t.
3. Free Version
Thank you, Luqman.
Hi Luqman,
Congrats for this great achievement and thanks for such detailed case study.
What tool did you use for international traffic ?
How many shares you are doing every day ?
Hey Buddy,
I am using GeniusLinks for Geo Targeting.
I am no longer doing any shares. That was for the kickstart purpose only.
Hi Luqman,
Great work and sharing. Its one of the best articles on the web i have read on this topic.
I wanted your view on one thing. I am currently working on a dog niche site, but after reading your post I am very interested in building a site around “top list”, which I feel can give me opportunity to write on any niche I prefer.
But as I am working on my dog site right now, couldn’t devote much time for it. So if it just register the site and add few basic pages and keep it for 3-4 months and later start working on it. Will this help in reducing/getting out of the google sandbox time.
Hey Vinod,
Yeah, it can help you out but make sure to add at least 1 money article, so Google will know what your site is about.
Hi Luqman,
How to describe “money article”, pls?
Thank you.
The articles in which you use your affiliate links are called money articles.
Straight forward no Bullshit with great examples.
Keep up the great work. I left this site inspired and driven. Uou had a lot of great examples and easy to follow instructions.
Cheers to your success.
Hi Luqman,
Great post.
Any reason why you have included a non-money article (infographic) on your site.
Best of luck. Keep posting.
To grab some links Rachel.
That’s a marketing technique which is mentioned as “Guestographics” above.
One question. Did you start building your edu links after the site was out of sandbox, as i see most of the edu links after June. If yes, any reason for it.
Thanks. Keep posting.
Thanks for this beautiful guide. I hope many newbie affiliate marketer like us will learn a lot of things from it.
Hi, terrific article.
Is really impressive to get in six months this Alexa Rank: 163424
Dear Luqman
Do you think, Backlink from a PBN can improve the niche ranking, I think it’s might be harmful and if google see any footprint about PBN, as they said, they will manually take action on it, what your’s opinion ?
Awesome ! Can you tell me which plugin you have used for pros and cons
Shortcodes Ultimate
Hi Luqman,
Very impressive work and a great article.After reading your post i search about AddMeFast.Most of the people in their review about addmefast say that they observe fake profiles at addmefast.
But you have success with this.Can you please further guide in detail what you exactly do on addmefast to get all these social shares on fb,twitter,pintrest.linkedin.
And if i use addmefast will these social signals be real or from fake profiles.
Also do yo use any other service for social signals?
Awesome !
I love this post! It’s full of useful info. One question from beginner: what is the difference between PBN and web 2.0 building?
Thank you, this is wonderful! Congrats!
Many articles say to “no index, follow” archives/taxonomy pages to avoid the duplicate content, but still pass link juice from those pages. Is there some reason you chose “no follow”?
It is really an awesome case study which is very very rare to find who reveal the website.
By the way, how did you add affiliate image for each post separately.
Thank you.
Writing the next post on it :)
Hi Luqman,
I am a newbie, from India but I am targeting US audience. I want to join Amazon Associates program. Which method of payment would be ideal for me. I guess direct deposit would not be available for me and I am not sure of Gift cards and cheques.
Payoneer. Best option available I guess.
Hey Vinod,
Sorry for the late reply. Yes Payoneer is the best option out there. Cheers
Thanks You
It is really helpful
Hello Luqman,
Congratulations for your success. Keep it up and go ahead.
Could you please tell me how many WEB 2 you created for your website and whiche technique you applied for indexing those WEB 2s.
As I mentioned in the article above, that I bought the web 2.0 service. So, I am not sure, how much web 2.0s I got.
Great share here!
Have taken a deep look at your site and it rocks!!!
Thanks for giving :)
1- haven’t you used pbn, I mean do .edu links are that powerful that it can make your ranking in the keyword like “best wireless router.”
2- have you used similar tricks on another site that you used on 10beasts? if yes then do you got same results?
What would you think of yourself
a- You cracked the Google code
b- You got lucky with right efforts
I am thinking to start the same site on tech niche that’s why I am worried
1. No PBNs at all. Yes .edu links are extremely powerful.
2. Yes, I used the same tricks on another site and got the same results.
3. I got lucky with the right efforts (Twice) :P
Hey how were the earnings for august and September so far?
I have already posted the earnings of August in “Niche Project 3.0 Facebook Group”.
Will update the case study in November. September is going great…
Hi Luqman,
Appreciate your efforts for replying everybody. Very few people take the effort of this kind to share their success with others.
Can you let me know what manual method do you use to calculate competition manually (KC). Also the keyword pattern suggested by you “Best + [Product Category] + [Year]” doesn’t seem to work very well with LTP as is give a message
“Data wasn’t available for some of the keywords you requested. In most cases this is because Google does not provide search volume data for those keywords. Try shortening your search terms or using more common phrases”
I think this a problem from google side. Any suggestions?
I noticed that you did not use yoast seo is genesis inbuilt is enough for the site. Please reply
I am actually using SEO by Yoast!
Great post.
How do you get the sidebar fixed when you scroll down and what sidebar widget is that on your sites that allows your to navigate to the sections of the article you on currently on. Really useful
I am writing a post on it.
Hi Luqman,
Thanks for sharing this. It’s really a nice post.
I am still waiting to hear answer to Brian’s question “what sidebar widget is that on your sites that allows your to navigate to the sections of the article you on currently on?”
Hi Raj,
I have already answered that question to more than 1 comment.
Please try to read the comments and you will find the answer.
This is seriously next level. Thanks for sharing :)
I am looking forward for a single product niche site case study! Hope you post another article soon.
Amazing post man. I love how you went in depth a lot of things which some tutorials miss. I have one question though. You say in the Link-building section that you used only white-hat links. But just after that you mentioned that you hired a service from BHW, I think it’s seo Steroid. Isn’t that black hat link building? Same with addmefast. Hope you answer so I can clear my confusion :D
The web 2.0s falls under Gray-Hat SEO. Which I used, but as I mentioned in the article that he provided scraped and spun links, so, I disavowed all of the links.
In short, all of those links are in my disavowed list. So if you exclude these links from my backlink profile, you will only find guest posts, scholarship, links to infographics.
As long as the social signals are coming from original profiles, they are genuine. From AMF, you will get manually pinged social signals which will be count as original. (Although there are few services which provide such services using automated software, which can be count as spam because of IP issues).
Thanks for the awesome guide! Just a quick question. What plugins do you use to design your post? For example the pros/cons? Or does that come with the theme? I bought the theme as recommended from you and having difficulty designing it.
But thanks for the awesome info!
Shortcode Ultimate and TablePress.
You have to use the above 2 plugins for all of the tables and tabs etc…
How do you make the opt in box on the home page? like to be part of the picture?
thank you
That is a feature inside my theme.
Hi Luqman,
Super inspiring post! And this changed the way how I look at link building. I have one small question – hypothetically, you were not able to get scholarship links for a various reasons (no money to offer scholarship/no university will accept, ,etc) what alternative link building tactic can you do?
Hey buddy,
I would go with Guest Posting, Guestographics, Web 2.0s, and Blog Comments.
There are 100s of other techniques out there which you can apply to get few links.
Great post luqman.
Can you please show or refer to some source where i come to know how you run your tweet and pin compaign on Addmefast.
I second that please show a video how this is done
Nice Intel. Thanks luqman.
P.S Typo SEO is nothing without Keyowrd Research. Period.
Should be keyword!
Salam Luqman,
It is really delightful that I read your articles again and again and so much helpful for me. can you make a article on your web 2.0 properties and how can you make anchor text and tier 1 and tier 2 ,3 links strategies it really so much helpful for us.
Hey Luqman,
Thanks for the other time.
I must commend you for updating us with this step by step guide.
What plugin are you using to add : Last Updated on …….. to your byline?
Genesis Simple Edits
Hi one more question what free social share plugins do you recommend i notice from above that you only use paid ones??
thank you
Hey buddy,
You can use “Floating Social Bar”.
Other than that, Digg Digg is a good plugin.
Hello Luqman,
Thanks for your article, it’s the PERFECT one :)
How do you implement #chapter1 , #chapter2… with arrows in the widget area?
Hey buddy,
I am using “Shortcode Ultimate” for that.
Thanks :)
Another question, which tools do you use to implement “View on Amazon” on each pictures?
Xavier ;)
Hey Luqman,
It was a great article, and provided a lot of knowledge. The super long articles, with user experience, and link building are just an incredible recipe.
I have a question,
Why you didn’t post more than 8 articles? If you are making so much with just 8, then there is a lot more coming to you.
Hey Dinesh,
Yeah, actually pretty busy with other projects.
Anyway, I got 2 more articles ready to be published on
Great post man. 4 months for $4500 is pretty incredible. Can I ask how you made those red text boxes on your wireless routers article? They look cool. Thanks in advance :)
Hey buddy,
I used custom CSS code for that…
Assalamualaikum Luqman!
I am Muhammad Usman Rashid from Peshawar. I learnt a lot from your case study. If there is a chance to meet you somewhere, it would be great. Will be waiting for your reply.
I have also planned to start Amazon Affiliate.
Yeah bro. If you ever come to Lahore, you can email me :)
Hi. Luqman
I saw that you haven’t added new articles on for a long time. Does it reduce ranking for some keywords ?
Hey buddy,
Naah, google doesn’t value quantity anymore.
So, it doesn’t matter I post content or not. If my content have quality, it will stay on top.
Other than that, I will post 2 articles this month..
Hey Luqman,
Congratulations on your site’s success.
I have one question regarding the scholarship outreach.
Did you send the outreach emails to universities using the or used a traditional Gmail account?
Thank You!
Hey buddy,
Yeah I emailed them using my domain email.
I don’t recommend Gmail for this purpose.
Luqman you use jetpack visibility widget with taxonomies. I can’t find taxonomies in my dashboard can you give any snapshot or help link about it. Thanks
Tags and Categories are called taxonomies.
Thank you for a great case study.
And I wonder, how can you send the scholarship to the student (you told that you would mail the check). I don’t know how to do that. Can we use Paypal or other payment method?
Hey buddy,
I got relatives in USA, so, sending a cheque will not be an issue for me.
Anyways, yes you award via PAYPAL.
A very inspiring post, Luqman. I just want to ask a question about choosing products to promote. Can I find all the products that are listed on AliExpress on Amazon?
Hey Buddy,
I jus search the product category from AliExpress.
And choose the products from amazon to promote.
I simply go for products which have good rating, good number of sales and an affordable price.
That’s all.
I have a question, from where do you outsource your content?
Local Niche-Relative Facebook Groups and University Students.
Hi mate! can you share where you bought social signal each month ? thanks
Hey Vicky,
I have explained it in the article above. Please read the “Giving a Kickstart” Chapter.
Hi Luqman Khan,
I have a niche site that rank in fist page with 2500 local searchs buyer keyword. Should I change my 2-3K words static homepage in to the portal page with some latest posts ?
No, You shouldn’t!
Hey Luqman,
Will you do any updates on how its going?
I see the site got much much better since august and it would be interesting to see what type of income and traffic you are getting now and if you did any additional link building.
The update is already there Adam..
Hey Luqman, thank you for providing such detailed tips. You’ve been very helpful. I applied to and my blog got accepted. :-) If it weren’t for your post I wouldn’t have known about it. Your posts are inspiring to newbie marketers like me. Keep it up. Cheers! -Angela
Hey thanks for the great article, quick question,
1) do you think steroid 3.0 is very safe to use?
I don’t recommend it.
Hey Luqman,
Thank you for this great post! I was wondering though about how you got these high quality pictures on Did you use the pictures from amazon or did you pay for them?
Kind Regards,
Hey Calvin,
I am using images from Flickr and Amazon.
And these are free images.
Thanks for the quick reply Luqman, I really appreciate it! Looking forward to see more of your way to success, best of luck!
This is a monster post, thanks for sharing this! It’s amazing that you managed to get such numbers in only 4 months.
Are you still running the site or have you sold it?
Naah, I am still the owner. :)
Can’t even think about selling it.
Hi Luqman,
What plugin to you use to shorten amazon affiliate links.
Do you make them nofollow. (As I have seen some controversy of keeping them follow or nofollow).
Thanks Mate.
I don’t use any plugin at all to short my amazon links. In fact it is not allowed and you can get your amazon account suspended by doing that.
Yes, I do make them nofollow.
Awesome read and want to thank you so much for revealing the site so we can see things transparently and all the details about it.
And curious about how much money the site is making now if it is ok to share? Do you still keep using the same backlinking strategies for growing this site?
Hi.. thanks for sharing this awesome article…
I have some question for u..
How did u send the money to the winner?? Can u please ellaborate a bit??
2nd : is it mendatorty to give $1000??
Does universities accept below $500 offer??
1. Paypal
2. Nop, you can provide the scholarship award as your choice.
Yes, most of the universities do.
This is not the first time I read your post, it’s that amazing! Now that my site is growing more and more, I’m considering using your link building technique of creating a scholarship as well.
I’m excited to see how it goes. ;) I’ll let you know if anything.
Take care,
That’s great Anh!
Best of luck :)
Don’t forget to update me…
What do you use to add the yellow color boxes in your posts here?
Like the one that is highlighted at the end of this post that is highlighted in yellow and reads:
“So, that was all about the content structure.
Now let’s move forward to the On Page SEO.”
Custom CSS Code.
Gr8 post,
How did you get the amazon links? which are less shorter then normal amazon links.
There is an option with amazon associates for shortening the link but changes to which I don’t link.
Simply by editing the URL!
You have to do it manually…
I see your site and you not using Native Shopping Ads. But Tung Tran’s site is. Is it good for increase Conversion Rate?
I continuously failed to make sales from native shopping ads :P
So, I gave up on it!
Howdy Luqman,
awesome case study. Was wondering about recent earnings for september and october. I bet that is going to be really inspiring income :)
Hey Mike,
I will write an update soon :)
Hi Luqman,
Thanks a lot really. i wanted this kind of content and believe i was stuck here.
Thanks to you.
i just started affiliate from Amazon, but i was hesitated that i can make it or not. but now i can at least try :)
This is a Great post of all the time , Really Interesting post gives a to z information , If Possible can you share the url’s that you have outsourced your link building.
I will share it in the update.
Great Post !!! I have learned a lot of things thanks to you.
Hi Luqman,
by viewing your revenue it seems like it’s around your commission rate is around 4-5%. I thought electronic and hardware stuff fall in the 3% category.
How do you manager to have this rate.
The commission of Computer products is about 4% and I am also getting sales of other Sports and Outdoor products.. So that’s how I manage to maintain 5% commission.
This ideas here are gold! I am literally copying some of these pointers for a niche site that i’m building. Thank you!
Hello Lugman ,
one question how often do the monarch plugin is updated ? , with the lester tweets and pins from AMF ? I did a repins campaign but i can see nothing show up in my Inline share bar.
Any key point to have in mind ??
Hey bud,
It updates every 3-4 days I guess.
How to add the newsletter box in the home page !
I didn’t found anywhere !
That’s a theme function.
Hi, just wondering when the next update is?
Soon.. Very Soon.
I actually found this article after researching your backlinks as you rank #1 for a keyword I would like.
What an achievement do rank that website in such a short amount of time. I started my first site in Jan which has made $16 and my second site 3 months ago which has made $0, so clearly I’m not very good.
Hopefully I can take some of the information you have shared to get my websites a little traffic.
Perhaps one day I can get some decent income following some of the tips here.
Great work, thanks for sharing.
Hi Luqman
Last time you sent an email with a question “Which contents should you add more for ?” Can you update your Incoming Report and what have you done with ?
Hey Jacie,
I know how desperate you are and trust me, I am just lacking on time-management. I will do it as soon as I will get some time.
Actually, I am busy in renovating my house from the last couple of days …
So, things are quite not going as I expected.
Hey Luqman,
Truly amazing! Thanks for sharing this.
Soooo I’ve been trying to mess with the css on my aspire pro theme but I’m failing tremendously. Would you mind sharing your custom css please? It would help me a lot. If not I completely understand.
Please send me an email Pete, I will send you that CSS code in reply.
Hey Luqman,
I was hoping to shoot you a few questions via email but I couldn’t find the email address on your website, and I haven’t seen a response via your contact form.
Do you mind people sending you messages, if so I will leave you be.
I’m really intrigued by what you’ve done and just have a few questions I would rather not ask here.
Contact me via email if you don’t mind me asking.
Cheers bud, all the best.
Hi Luqman,
I read this article 3 times, and every time I read it. I took action for my niche site. Hope these efforts works for me. Thank you so much for great piece of contents.
Best regards,
Hi, how do you do the sidebar / # chapter Widgets is how to achieve each article corresponds to a different / # chapter Widgets?
That’s a bit complex… I will explain it in my next article for sure.
Excellent Post.
First time I see someone is revealing all the secret in a post.
May Allah give you more and more
I have tried over and over again to get my site linked by
Have no idea why the refuse to accept me.
Make sure your site have at least 5 articles.
All of the articles are well layout.
Other than that, just make sure you are posting your site in the right category.
This is quite an awesome article. I have learnt so much about on-page and off-page SEO that I would have otherwise taken for granted. Thanks alot!
Hello Luqman, Which Plugin or coding you are using for table of contents in widget and to make it sticky.
Your website is awesome navigated and i love it
Table of Content: Shortcode Ultimate
Sticky: Q2W3 Widget
Hi Luqman,
I new to the whole process and this is my go to guide to understand. Help me build, understand and tweek my own site. For that I sincerely thank you!
I did have a question regarding the no index and no follow option. I went through the link you provided to understand it but was bit confused. So the no index and no follow rule only applies to the archived articles? or should it be applied to all the articles and pages of your site since its an affiliate site?! meaning there is a outbound link to affiliate site,so would the crawlers pick up the outbound url as duplicate?
Any input on this matter would be highly appreciated.
You should apply “NoIndex and NoFollow rules” to any page which can create internal Duplicate Content issues.
It includes Categorie pages, author/posts archive pages and Taxonomies (Tags/Categories) Pages.
Hi bro,
This is an Awesome article and this is most amazing article I have ever read about an affiliate case study. Thank you so much for that.
I saw in top comment you recommended Generate Press as free theme for affiliate site. I’m going to use Accelerate free theme. Here is the link (
Is this theme good for the affiliate site? Or GeneratePress is good for the affiliate site? I saw the GeneratePress is similar to Genesis Aspire Pro theme.
Please guide me.
Thank you!
Hey buddy,
To be honest, there is no great theme out there… What matters is how you layout your site and categorize it.
You can start with any theme you want.
I have never used the one which you have mentioned above, so, I can’t give you any advice on it but I prefer GeneratePress because I have used it and I know it very well.
That’s all.
Hi Luqman,
Great stuff here. I’m starting out on my site.
Question about your posts. I see they have “Last Updated December 1, 2016”. Do you update the timestamps every month? What are the pros/cons?
Yeah I do update the article each month.
Pros are the good things and Cons are the bad things lol
Hello Luqman,
Really appreciate you for the hard work you done. You deserve it mate. and Thanks for the case study as well.
Want to know about a thing which isn’t covered in the guide. What Keyword Density you prefer while writing your content ?
I really don’t care about the keyword density, neither I consider it as an important on-page factor.
Just write your article naturally and it will not be affected.
Hello mate,
I would like to know what is the widget you’ve used to show latest posts in Homepage?
And what is the Custom CSS code you’ve used to highlight the main problem of the products? (Red box)
Also, I have a big problem with the Tablepress Table width. If you could log in to my website and check what is the wrong with it, I will really appreciate it :)
Thank you!
Kind Regards,
Hey Charlie,
I am not using any widget… that’s a function in my theme.
I am using custom CSS code, which I can’t share here in the public… You know I did all that to make my site unique.
I wish I could do that, but trust me I’m struggling to spare some time for my own personal life. I suggest you hire a freelancer to fix this issue.
Thanks for giving some exclusive tips. I’ve a service website. It’s now no.3 page on Google which is my main keyword. Some other long tail keyword it’s no.1 position. Give me some suggestions about service site that offers some services Like Banner design, Facebook Cover Design, Gif or animation creation, . Thanks!!!!
In this case, you have to right the supportive articles.
Create a blog section on your site, and start writing articles.
The articles must be relative to your niche, so, you can later get some backlinks from high authority relative sites.
Make sure to do internal linking to pass the link juice.
Nice details Luqman, really appreciated.
I was wondering if you are following any specific web 2.0 strategy and if there is a good guide for it somewhere?
I am never a fan of posting reply and comment
but your guide made me compelled to leave a thanks note here buddy!
Thanks a lot. Merry Xmas – Written on 24Dec.
One question, I see that you make some point form and Pros and Cons with those area in different colour which makes the website less plain.
May I know which plugin/widget that allow you to do that? Many thanks!
I am learning from your guide and starting my website now!
Hey John,
Merry Xmas to you too and sorry for being that much late.
I am really striving to learn time management lol
Anyway, I am using shortcode ultimate for all of this content tabs and columns.
Can I use Shortcodes Ultimate on thrive theme ?
Yes you can.
Hi Luqman, I have posted a question 5 days ago and see that it is still awaiting moderation, would really love to know how you did that? Is that possible to send me an email to show me how? Thanks.
“Hi Luqman, may I ask how do you keep your content date refresh so that it stays updated on alltop without posting new article? Thanks.”
Hey Bryan,
You can do it from your post editing panel.
Please have a look at this screenshot and you will get it:
Hi Luqman!
I really like this post and how open you are about your niche. You said earlier that your articles on your website were posted as “posts”. Now when i go to your website and take a closer look i can see there isn’t a “category” in the url’s for the post. Which i guess contributes to the shorter url.
So, how do you do this? Don’t you use any categories at all except for your blog page? Or do you use categories but decide to not include them in the url?
Any reply is highly appreciated :)
Hey Nick,
Actually, all of these are categories, but I removed “Categories” from the url with the help of SEO by Yoast plugin.
You can do it too by going SEO by Yoast Settings > Advanced > Permalinks >
That’s pretty cool! Are you using the Blog Page template at all or all the menu links are categories? Cause I though you noindexed all the categories. Thank you!
Nop, I am not. I did that using SEO Yoast Plugin.
Awesome! Looking forward to the next post!
Awesome All in one post, Which tools you used to edit post on your amazon affiliate site .
I am just a beginner in the amazon affiliate business. Your article really encourages me to go further in investing my time and energy on my website. I hope will be achieved more after reading this article. Thanks for sharing, it’s really inspiring!
Very Very useful and informative article Luqman.I have been reading many niche case studies nowadays, and this is the best one.
You have covered each and every step and what exactly you did.Nothing was hidden.Thanks a lot.
I have one question, though.
For promoting to social media networks what would you prefer?
1.A new social media account for in every website (like Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest) or can I promote using one existing social media accounts?
Hey Rayman,
Thanks for your wishes.
You can create multiple pages from the same facebook and google account but for twitter and insta, I prefer creating new ones.
I submitted my site to Alltop and they rejected it stating that there are issues in the feed. Did this happen to you? Can you please let me know how to solve this issue? I tried using feed validator but being new to this field I hardly understood a thing its recommending to correct.
Hey Priyank,
I think you need to contact your theme developer if you are having issues with your feed.
Very impressed….
I really gave up on my Amazon sites….but now I’m inspired
Pls tell me more What is Web 2,0 and how many is needed
What’s taxonomies..where to find it and how to put no index on archives…
Why do I need schemas
So it’s not good to use free W press themes…I don’t know how to code
I am not talking about your achievement related to traffic but the way you have written this article amazing.. I could not distract my mind from this article. It proves your high conversion rate…as an affiiator it is much needed. Hats off.
I am glad you like buddy.
Priceless article, I checked out 10Beasts..Awesome site. I like the size of the pics on your articles, how do I customize them to have such a one consistent size.
Did you use Amazon images? You edited Amazon product images and added “view on Amazon”? I think it’s not allowed according to Amazon. Right?
Well, it is prohibited, but they don’t take any serious action on that…
This is really in depth analysis and strategy on how to create a successful niche website cater for affiliate products (for this case: Amazon).
It’s amazing how this could lead to more partnership directly with the brands themselves.
Interesting, gonna apply these learning to action soon!
Thank you so much Luqman.
Awesome guide… just curious, how many universities have you contacted in order to get so many (50) backlinks?
Probably 80 – 100.
Although, that technique is no longer working since it has been spammed pretty well.
Hi Luqman, you’re an inspiration!
I’ve read through your articles and found them eye-opening even though I’ve consumed lots of info about internet marketing already.
There’s one question.
1) When you’ve already written 10 articles for example. Would you use addmefast for all these 10 articles at the same time? (5-10 per day each). How long do you run these for?
Nop, I won’t.
Will use add me fast for only 1 article at a time.
Thanks luqman for this deep case stydy that I really enjoy reading. Please if you can tell me how do you create this PROS vs CONS amazing tabkle because I try to do it with shortcodes ultimate but failind and if you can share you css
Hi Luqman
Some products on Amazon are noted that “Only 1 in stock”. Are you any issues if we select them for reviewing? I’m afraid that they are not enough to sell.
Nope, I don’t think there is any issue with that.
The item will get back in stock for sure.
Hello Luqman,
First of all, my heartly congratulation for your amazing success on amazon affiliate site.
Affiliate sites really demands a high level of dedication and effort for success.
I am also working on an affiliate site. Inspired by your idea about a scholarship program can fetch you massive links, I want to offer scholarship.
But the problem is I have limited budget in hand. currently it is 250$.
Kindly let me know if there are certain minimum limit for scholarship listing.
Hoping for a positive revert.
Thanks alot.
Hey Pushkar,
Sadly, that scholarship technique is dead because of being spammed.
Although you can try other techniques to rank your site/page.
I wouldn’t completely agree with your words that the scholarship technique is dead. Maybe it’s dead for “review websites” (cause, for my own Amazon website I have already sent about 1000 letters to different universities – and there are no even answers). But I have a successful scholarship campaign for my client (IT Company). And I have to say that for the 2 months using scholarship technique we gained 30 .edu links.
I think it depends on several main factors:
– Your website niche
– Your scholarship page
– Text of your letter
– How does your website look like in general
Hey denys,
What I actually meant by saying this technique is dead, “google will not rank you”. You may or will get links from universities, but google won’t value them anymore.
Anyhow, it may work for you or someone else.
Please let me know the results.
Hi! Thanks for sharing this cool case study. Btw, I’m having problem with jetpack visibility module.
I can’t find a way to select specific post because there’s no dropdown for post.
Can you tell me how you did it? After clicking “visibility” on widget, what option did you select in hide or show option? is it page? is it post page?
I will explain it in my next post.. It will be published in march.
Hi Luqman,
You really inspire me for this hard work and earn huge money from single website. I want to know these things:-
i) Is Amazon Deactivate the affiliate link, if I will not earn the money from them within 1st 3 months?
ii) How much time it will take to earn my 1st income from fresh amazon website.
Hi there,
1. I have no idea, as I did make a sale within the first 90 days of creating amazon account back when I started.
2. Depends on your strategy and how good you know things.
Just amazing!
Can’t add any word for now, but you are doing a great job here.
Hi Luqman,
Thank you so much for the guide. You are having a big influence on the creation of my site! I had one question for you. I am struggling to get my logo in the menu bar like you did. Would you mind letting me know how you did that?
Thank you
Actually I figured it out. I was thinking way too hard! Thank you
Hi Luqman,
I see 10Beasts feed sort by last update post, which plugin or coding you are using for display last update on feed?
Genesis Simple Edits
Are you using any Amazon Link localizer plugin on this site so that you dont lose international traffic?
Hey Rakesh,
Nop, I am not using yet, anyhow planning to use GeniusLinks again in March.
Hey!, it really helps a lot and also it keeps me motivated.
Thanks for sharing this.
I just come across this site and it is amazing. I never tried affiliate marketing but you have created that interest in me and I will try it definitely and let you know the progress. As an SEO expert, I think this is achievable. Thanks for sharing this amazing info. Thanks
Really enjoyed reading to the whole case study – thanks Luqman for your honesty about the site, and staying really humble and grounded despite your huge success. I’m sure I will be reading a successful FBA case study.
Thank You
cheers, John
Great items from you, man. I have keep in mind your stuff prior to and you are simply
extremely excellent. I actually like what you have acquired here,
really like what you are saying and the way in which during which you assert
it. You make it enjoyable and you still take care of to stay it sensible.
I cant wait to read far more from you. This is really a great web site.
I, always recommended your site for new students. You are doing a good job. keep it up.
Your all SEO tactics brought great success to your affiliate niche
But now it is being penalized with Google Core algo update, You should have refreshed your content regularly, so you did not experience this drops, also removed bad links,
I had to follow your techniques but now dropped the idea and started to make a real blog not specifically promoting the products for affiliates
This is more than awesome to me.. Wow.
It is the first time I’m actually seeing a blogger revealing all or most of this success secrets of an affiliate website in one article.
Big thumbs up to you for this article, I really appreciate because I’ve learnt more than I even expected to learn.
I’ve subscribed too, hoping to learn more interesting things from you.
Hi Luqman Khan,
Awesome article. I am going to start amazon affiliate site right now.
Thanks for motivation.
Hi Khan.
That was nice of you to write a lengthy article about Amazon Affiliate Program.
I have a few questions.
1. What Amazon Affiliate plugins do you use.
2. How do you do Email Outreach in bulk.
3. What plugin you use for Product Comparison.
I hope you will answer my questions. Thanks for sharing your tips.
Hey Palla,
1. I don’t use any Amazon plugin on my sites.
2. NinjaOutreach / Hunter + Mailshake
3. TablePress.